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Albuquerque's Toxic Legacy

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More about the Justice Department cover-up of government nuclear crimes.


"To protect the health and well-being of Albuquerque communities from the release of radioactive and chemical contamination from the area known as the mixed waste landfill located at Sandia National Laboratories.

Click maps to see detail of the Mixed Waste Landfill
We intend to accomplish these goals through education; outreach to stakeholder communities; and advocacy for environmental and social justice."

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has created thousands of dangerous dumps across the nation containing millions of tons of what is known as "legacy waste." LEGACY WASTE WAS CREATED AS A RESULT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS PRODUCTION. Hazardous radioactive and chemical wastes leftover (AT SANDIA NTL' LAB) from these tests are the subject of this website.