July 22, 2014


On July 22nd 2014, Kirtland AFB conducted their quarterly CAB meeting at Caesar Chavez Community Center.  The meeting structure provided a welcome improvement to allow more dialogue with professionals working on this spill and the public compared to previous meetings. 

The Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC) has appointed Dr. Adria Bodour to be in charge of moving cleanup forward.  Dr. Bodour has been provided a team from AFCEC to work with her on cleanup, and many were in attendance.  

There are additional monitoring wells being installed within 2 weeks. They were commissioned by AFCEC, who contracted USGS to design, locate, and oversee their installation.  USGS' Nathan Myers, in charge on this project, was at this meeting.

CB&I (formerly SHAW) had several people in attendance not seen before at these meetings as well.  Several technical people specializing in hydrogeology and working on EDB bio-remediation were there.

The meeting began at 3:30pm with a "media" event.  This consisted of informational posters from the people listed above and several others, each addressing those present for 5-10 minutes addressing cleanup technologies and more.  There was significant detail presented that we have not seen before at CAB meetings. 
This video captures much of those 2 hours.

The CAB meeting began at 5:30, lasting nearly 2 1/2 hours.  The format was similar to previous CAB(s), but the technical presentation from CB&I and Kirtland was much shorter.  There was much more time for questions from the public.   Dr. Bodour and several other AFCEC people answered questions and provided some explanations.  

This is the video from that portion of the meeting.





Citizen Action wishes to acknowledge Mike Swick for filming this meeting, and providing the video above.  Mike has donated countless hours filming many events for us for several years.  His efforts and expertise are greatly appreciated.
