"Is 'Trust Us, We're the Government' Really A Guarantee? A Review
of Financial Assurance Options for Long-Term Stewardship at the Mixed
Waste Landfill, Sandia National Laboratories" by W. Paul Robinson,
Research Director,
Southwest Research and Information Center.
The following
report was made possible with a grant from the Monitoring and Technical
Assessment Fund (MTA) to assist in performing independent technical
studies of the Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL), a hazardous waste site containing
radioactive and chemical legacy wastes located at Sandia National Laboratories
(SNL). The funding, established as a part of a $6.25 million court settlement
between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and 39 nonprofit and environmental
groups, assists tribes and other non-governmental organizations in conducting
their own independent technical studies of sites at DOE facilities.
Action commissioned William Paul Robinson, Research Director for the
Southwest Research and Information Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
to identify and evaluate options for financial assurance that may apply
to the MWL site. The establishment of a financial assurance mechanism
helps to ensure that various post closure activities associated with
long-term monitoring and maintenance of a specific site will continue
over time unhampered by a potential lack of funding. A copy of Mr. Robinson's
curriculum vitae, and a list of his published papers and community accomplishments
are included with this report.
"The old boy scout adage to "leave a place as clean or cleaner
than you found it" reflects a degree of land stewardship that many
people outside DOE recognize as a common sense version of an effective
clean up standard for waste sites."
- W. Paul Robinson
"Is 'Trust Us, We're
the Government' Really a Guarantee?"
A Review of Financial Assurance Options for Long-Term Stewardship at
the Mixed Waste Landfill, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, USA
Submitted to:
Citizen Action
P.O. Box 1133
Sandia Park, NM 87047
Phone 505-280-1844
Citizen Action website: www.radfreenm.org
Prepared by:
Wm. Paul Robinson
Research Director
Southwest Research and Information Center
PO Box 4524
Albuquerque, NM 87106-4524
P 505-262-1862/f 505-262-1864/email sricpaul@earthlink.net
SRIC website: www.sric.org
June 18,
Executive Summary
Citizen Action commissioned this study to identify and evaluate options
for financial assurance that may apply to the Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL)
at the Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) at
Albuquerque, New Mexico. The report reviews legal aspects of this subject
and evolving Department of Energy (DOE) policy on long-term management
of waste sites, as well as specific examples of trust funds, DOE-contractor
agreements and other state-based approaches to financial assurance at
sites with similarities to Sandia's Mixed Waste Landfill. This research
has been supported by a grant from the Citizens' Monitoring and Technical
Assessment Fund administered by RESOLVE, Inc. Washington, DC.
This review identifies four options for financial assurance to guarantee
of the performance of long-term care at waste disposal sites as required
by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), (42 USC 6901 et
seq.) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations (40 CFR
260 et seq.) pursuant to that Act. RCRA is a federal law that regulates
solid and hazardous waste from generation through disposal referred
to as a "cradle-to-grave" control program. This review focuses
on the "grave" portion of the RCRA process, the requirements
for closure and post-closure plans at waste disposal sites.
RCRA "cradle-to-grave" scope establishes a nationwide system
for management and disposal of solid wastes, hazardous wastes and radioactive
wastes when mixed with hazardous waste. Detailed written closure and
post-closure plans are required to establish these long-term controls
by regulation at 40 CFR 264.112, which must be underwritten by financially-binding
and fully-funded guarantees as required by 40 CFR 140 - 151 that insure
that all necessary long-term measures will be implemented at sites around
the nation. A critical exception to this requirement in EPA regulation
40 CFR 264.140(c) for "State and Federal Government" operations
allows this category of waste disposal sites to avoid guarantees that
private owners and operators of hazardous and mixed waste sites have
been responsible for, and have provided, for many years. This exception
does not exempt that category of sites from providing the closure and
post-closure plans required in the RCRA regulations at 40 CFR 264.112.
of financial assurance mechanisms that have been developed within the
RCRA context for federal waste sites include:
1) Trust Funds as used at closed uranium mill tailings disposal sites
- as implemented under authority of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation
Control Act of 1978 by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC);
2) Trust Funds for long-term monitoring and maintenance - implemented
to address RCRA closure and post-closure plans by Tennessee Department
of Environment and Conservation for a mixed waste landfill at Oak Ridge,
3) Private operators financial assurance - as initially implemented,
and subsequently withdrawn due to pre-emptive legislation, in a RCRA
permit issued by the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) for the
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) site in New Mexico; and
4) Private operator corporate insurance - as implemented by Oregon Department
of Environmental Quality in a RCRA permit for the Umatilla Chemical
Weapons Depot near in northeastern Oregon.
Sandia National
Laboratories covers a sprawling area of more than 8,800 acres on the
south side of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Founded in 1943 as part of the
Manhattan Project, SNL is currently operated by Lockheed-Martin through
its subsidiary, Sandia Corporation, for DOE and continues to be a major
center for nuclear weapons research and engineering. The Mixed Waste
Landfill encompasses an area of 2.6 acres of unlined pits and trenches
that received a wide variety of radioactive and hazardous wastes between
1959 and 1988.
and mixed waste at SNL is managed under a permit issued by the New Mexico
Environment Department within the scope of requirements that conform,
almost word for word, with the requirements of EPA's RCRA regulations.
The permit lists the DOE Albuquerque Office as "owner" and
Sandia Corporation as "operator" and addresses a wide variety
of waste management units. The facility is currently treated as exempt
from requirements to provide financial assurance associated with its
closure and post-closure requirements based on the application of the
40 CFR 264.140(c) exemption.
Rather than proposing a comprehensive clean-up at the Sandia Mixed Waste
Landfill using waste removal or encapsulation technologies, DOE has
chosen to recommend an experimental "evapotranspiration" (ET)
cap without the financial guarantees necessary to assure implementation
of all necessary closure and post-closure plans. The NMED has indicated
that required closure and post-closure plans must, at a minimum, include:
1) Comprehensive future reviews of the interim cap;
2) Comprehensive closure and post-closure plans to be implemented if
the cap is not fully effective; and
3) Monitoring and maintenance measures necessary to demonstrate the
success of any waste disposal remedy throughout the long-term period
during which risks may be presented by materials disposed of at the
site (NMED, 2001a).
Recent DOE
policy initiatives such as the "Top-To-Bottom Review" and
subsequent policy considerations do not provide a clear path to resolve
the Long-Term Stewardship (LTS) dilemma. Suggestions that closure and
post-closure care for sites be transferred from DOE to other federal
agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management, US Army Corps of Engineers,
Fish and Wildlife Service or NRC, fail to address how to guarantee that
LTS will be funded and implemented. While that policy approach may eliminate
such sites from the DOE jurisdiction, the sites would become the responsibility
of any Federal, State or private entity to which they were transferred.
Such an approach would do little to address questions about potential
long-term risks associated with specific sites and the need for financially
guaranteed LTS at nuclear legacy waste sites across the nation.
Due to a
requirement issued by the NMED (NMED 2001b), Sandia National Laboratories
is currently conducting a Corrective Measure Study (CMS) for the MWL.
The specific direction provided by NMED to Sandia in NMED 2001b requires
consideration of a full range of feasible remedies for the Mixed Waste
Landfill. The CMS provides an opportunity for formal consideration of
each of the financial assurance mechanisms identified in this report
related to LTS needs at the MWL. The CMS should consider:
1) Full
remediation of the MWL by excavation and containment sufficient to minimize
or eliminate long-term stewardship requirements;
2) Identification of the full cost of closure and post-closure plans,
including periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed cap,
monitoring, maintenance, and repair of the cap on a perpetual basis;
3) Identification of financial assurance models including those presented
in this report - the Oak Ridge MWL Trust Fund, UMTRCA Trust Fund, financial
assurance provided by private operator of federal facilities, and the
Umatilla Chemical Depot-type contractor guarantee - as options to guarantee
that the full cost of long-term stewardship at the Sandia MWL will be
available when needed.
I. Purpose
and Scope
II. A. Overview of DOE Policy on Cleanup and Long-Term Stewardship of
the Nuclear Weapons Waste Legacy
II. B. What
do "Cleanup" and "Long-Term Stewardship" Mean? ...
II. C. DOE Policy in the Context of other Federal Waste Management Responsibilities
II. D. Need for Long-Term Stewardship
II. E. DOE's Approach to Long-Term Stewardship in 2002
III. Overview
of Sandia National Laboratories' Mixed Waste Landfill .
IV. A. Options for Guaranteeing Long-Term Stewardship at Federal RCRA
sites ..
IV. B. The Trust Fund as a Model for Guaranteeing Federal Long-Term
Stewardship Commitments..
IV. C. Financial Assurance Through a State-Administered Trust Fund:
Mixed Waste Landfill at Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee
IV. D. Long-Term Stewardship through Financial Guarantees by Private
Operators of Federal Facilities
IV. E. Financial
Assurance Established by a Federal Facility Contractor's
Financial and Performance Guarantee Insurance Policies
V. Conclusions and Recommendations Related to the Sandia Mixed Waste
VI. References
I. Purpose and Scope
Citizen Action commissioned this study to identify and evaluate options
for financial assurance that may apply to the Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL)
at the Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories at Albuquerque,
New Mexico. The report summarizes legal aspects of this question and
evolving Department of Energy (DOE) policy on long-term management of
waste sites, as well as examples of trusts funds, DOE-contractor agreements
and other state-based approaches to financial assurance at sites with
similarities to the Sandia MWL. The concluding section provides opportunities
and recommendations for further action based information presented on
the report.
The report has been prepared to inform Citizen Action's membership,
the public, DOE, SNL, and the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED),
the state agency responsible for issuing hazardous and mixed waste permits,
about financial assurance mechanisms that could be used to guarantee
MWL closure and post-closure plans. This research has been supported
by a grant from the Citizens' Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund
administered by RESOLVE, Inc. Washington, DC.
Many people consider the elimination of contaminant releases and guaranteed
long-term safety to be fundamental goals for cleanup programs at nuclear
waste sites, hazardous waste sites, and other contaminated materials
disposal projects. These performance standards are applied to most site
owners and operators whether public or private, through the spectrum
of environmental legislation applicable across the United States and
in the State of New Mexico. This standard of performance is also a concept
understood by many interests among the public. The old boy scout campsite
adage to "leave a place as clean or cleaner than you found it" reflects a degree of land stewardship that many people outside DOE recognize
as a common sense version of an effective cleanup standard for waste
sites. Within the existing legal framework though, critical exceptions
provide opportunities to avoid, weaken, or ignore attainment of these
fundamental objectives.
A significant public policy debate has emerged regarding the commitment
of DOE and SNL to eliminate releases, guarantee long-term safety, and
provide effective financial assurance to maintain long-term safety in
perpetuity at the Sandia MWL. Concerns expressed in public meetings
and written comments to regulatory agencies include the failure of SNL
and DOE to demonstrate serious consideration of a cleanup proposal for
the MWL that will:
1) Result in removal of radioactive and hazardous waste from the landfill;
2) Guarantee monitoring for, and elimination of, contaminant releases
from the site in perpetuity; and
3) Protect public health in perpetuity considering its location in a
growing urban area.
This report has been prepared in response to these concerns in order
to present practical options for long-term safety guarantees at the
MWL. These options are presented in the following introductory sections
that provide:
1) An overview of legal and regulatory materials related to guarantees
of long-term management of DOE nuclear waste legacy sites;
2) A review of recent DOE policy developments involving long-term controls
at waste sites under its jurisdiction; and
3) An introduction to the Mixed Waste Landfill, SNL.
The primary focus of this review is the identification of financial
assurance mechanisms that can assure long-term safety at waste disposal
sites as required by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),
(42 USC 6901 et seq.) and the regulations (40 CFR 260 et seq.) adopted
by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to that Act.
RCRA is a federal law that regulates solid and hazardous waste from
generation through disposal referred to as a "cradle-to-grave" control program.
The RCRA regulations, at 40 CFR 264.111, establishes a closure standard
that states:
"The owner or operator must close that facility in a manner that:
1) Minimizes the need for further maintenance; and
2) Controls, minimizes or eliminates to the extent necessary to protect
human health and the environment, post-closure escape of hazardous waste,
hazardous constituents, leachate, contaminated run off, or hazardous
waste composition products to the ground or surface waters or to the
assurance requirements to guarantee that these standards are attained
apply to all "owners and operators of all hazardous waste facilities"
(40 CFR 264.140(a)) except for "disposal facilities and piles and
surface impoundments from which the owner or operator intends to remove
the wastes at closure
" (40 CFR 264.140(b)(1 & 2). Of
prime significance for the subject of this report, "States and
the Federal Government are exempt" from the financial assurance
requirements of the RCRA regulations (40 CFR 264.140(c)).
While RCRA and its implementing rules are a very complex set of materials,
these two brief sections demonstrate that a loophole has been afforded
solely to "States and the Federal Government" that provides
relief from the very important financial assurance provisions of RCRA.
This exception however, does not appear to relieve "States and
Federal Government" RCRA site from the requirement to attain the
closure performance standard that site cleanup "minimizes the need
for further maintenance; and [c]ontrols, minimizes or eliminates to
the extent necessary to protect human health and the environment, post-closure
escape of hazardous waste,
" found in 40 CFR 264.111.
The RCRA "cradle-to-grave" scope establishes a nationwide
system for management and disposal of solid wastes, hazardous wastes
and some radioactive wastes when mixed with hazardous waste. The RCRA
hazardous waste program implements Subtitle C of the Act, which provides
the legal basis for the regulation of hazardous waste storage, treatment
and disposal facilities around the nation. Detailed written closure
and post-closure plans are required to establish these long-term controls
in 40 CFR 264.112, underwritten by financially-binding and fully-funded
guarantees insuring that all long-term measures will be implemented
at sites around the nation. Though EPA rule 40 CFR 264.140(c) may give
state and federal sites the opportunity to avoid financial guarantees
that private owners and operators of hazardous and mixed waste facilities
have been responsible for, and have provided for many years. It does
not exempt the state and federal agencies responsible for those sites
from providing the closure and post-closure plans required in the RCRA
regulations at 40 CFR 264.112.
Many statutes
other than RCRA come into play at individual waste sites. However, where
RCRA provides the leading environmental authority, the 264.140(c) exception
can be used, and has been used, by the federal government to avoid the
financial assurance requirement associated with closure and post-closure
care necessary for facilities at which wastes are left in place. The
Mixed Waste Landfill at Sandia is one of these sites.
in New Mexico have expressed concern about the situation at the Sandia
MWL to NMED consistently for several years. They have sought remedies
which insure that detailed, enforceable closure and post-closure plans
will be required at the MWL and that those plans comply with RCRA for
surveillance, monitoring and maintenance for a period of at least 30
years following completion of all final closure measures at the site.
These concerns arise due to the risk that the exemption may lead to
in issuance of waste disposal permits that do not contain enforceable
guarantees to insure that closure and post-closure plans are fully defined
and fully implemented. Such a policy approach, in which conceptual rather
than detailed closure and post-closure plans are presented to regulators,
has been used repeatedly by DOE related to wastes created during the
post-World War II nuclear weapons program at sites such as the Mixed
Waste Landfill at Sandia.
Sandia National
Laboratories, which has been called a "crown jewel" of the
DOE national laboratory system by some, covers a sprawling area of more
than 8,800 acres on the south side of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Founded
in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project, Sandia Labs is currently operated
by Lockheed-Martin through its subsidiary, Sandia Corporation, for DOE
and continues to be a major center for nuclear weapons research and
engineering. The Mixed Waste Landfill encompasses an area of 2.6 acres
received a wide variety, or "mix", of radioactive and hazardous
wastes between 1959 and 1988.
and mixed waste at Sandia Labs is managed under a permit issued by the
New Mexico Environment Department within the scope of requirements that
conform, almost word for word, with the requirements of EPA's RCRA regulations.
The permit lists the DOE Albuquerque Office as "owner" and
Sandia Corporation as "operator" and covers addresses a wide
variety of waste management units. The facility is currently treated
as exempt from requirements to provide financial assurance associated
with its closure and post-closure requirements based on the application
of the 40 CFR 264.140(c) exemption.
One significant result of DOE use of the 40 CFR 264.140(c) loophole
is a waste management policy that defers costly site closure and post-closure
work to an uncertain time in the future without providing any enforceable
guarantee that the deferred actions will be implemented. This type of
indefinite deferral is not available to private waste site operators.
Rather than cleaning up the Sandia Mixed Waste Landfill comprehensively
by removing or fully encapsulating the waste, DOE has chosen to propose
an experimental "evapotranspiration" (ET) cap without the
financial guarantees necessary to assure implementation of all necessary
closure and post-closure plans. NMED has indicated that required closure
and post-closure plans must, at a minimum, include:
" Comprehensive future reviews of the interim cap;
" Comprehensive closure and post-closure plans to be implemented
if the cap is not fully effective; and
" Monitoring and maintenance measures necessary to demonstrate
the success of any waste disposal remedy are carried out throughout
the long-term period during which risks may be presented by materials
disposed of at the site (NMED, 2001a).
Overcoming the lack of a DOE-commitment to either remove hazardous and
mixed waste from the MWL or guarantee implementation of full scope of
RCRA-based closure and post-closure plans at the site have been high
priority concerns for Citizen Action since it was formed. Citizen Action
commissioned this report to provide support for effective resolution
of these concerns. As a result, this study identifies both:
1) Limitations in DOE commitments to guarantee the long-term safety
of nuclear legacy waste sites nationwide, as well as the Mixed Waste
Landfill; and
2) Financial assurance models implemented at federal facilities that
effectively guarantee that each site has an enforceable cleanup plan
that "controls, minimizes or eliminates to the extent necessary
to protect human health and the environment, post-closure escape of
hazardous waste," as set out in 40 CFR 264.111 and 40 CFR 264.112,
at least thorough as that required of a private owner or operator, not
just to a level that is "good enough for government work."
II.A. Overview
of DOE Policy on Clean-Up and Long-Term Stewardship (LTS) of the Nuclear
Weapons Waste Legacy
Radioactive and hazardous waste dumps, leaks and spills at DOE nuclear
weapons facilities have created an environmental legacy that may cost
$200 billion or more to clean up, plus additional funds to support permanent
monitoring and maintenance programs at many of DOE sites (Werner, 2000).
These sites are distributed widely across the United States, clustered
at the many national laboratories and industrial facilities used in
research, development and testing of nuclear weapons since the 1940s.
The nature and number of these sites have been described in a series
of official reports, including DOE, 1999 and DOE, 2001 listed in the
references section at the end of this report. Those documents chronicle
the dirty side of nuclear weapons research that was either hidden or
ignored during the first three decades of the Cold War.
Each site has its own unique set of characteristics specific to the
waste type, location, risk, operating history and jurisdiction that
define the framework for cleanup of an individual site. Some of the
sites are subject to the cleanup programs that are among the most expensive
and complex ever attempted; others are relatively small sites in prominent
locations from either an environmental or land use perspective. Some
sites have already caused identifiable environmental and human impacts
both on and off facility property. Other sites have the potential to
generate major impacts if effective containment of the waste materials
is not assured for thousands of years (DOE, 1999 and DOE, 2001).
DOE policy regarding cleanup and long-term control of waste from the
nuclear weapons complex as been in evolution for many years, often changing
focus with the change of leadership at DOE or change of administrations.
Recognizing these flucuations, this section provides background information
and a general introduction regarding DOE policy related to its nuclear
legacy sites as recent as February 2002. This background provides a
context for the consideration of a range of specific long-term stewardship
options that could be applied by DOE as a complex-wide matter and specifically
at the Sandia MWL.
Following the election of President George W. Bush in 2000, major changes
have been implemented in many areas of DOE, changes which constitute
a new round of commitments to finding "faster, cheaper and better"
ways to clean up wastes at DOE facilities. The current administration's
policy is presented in the DOE Review of the Environmental Management
Program Presented to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management
by the Top-to-Bottom Review Team ("Top-to-Bottom Review")
distributed February 4, 2002. The Top-to-Bottom Review provides a very
recent, and comprehensive, waste management policy statement and includes
a brief section addressing long-term stewardship matters.
II. B. What do "Cleanup" and "Long-Term Stewardship" Mean?
The phrase "long-term stewardship" (LTS) has used by DOE to
describe several aspects of its responsibility at waste sites. The term
has been used to refer to both:
1) technical activities and programs at a waste site that are conducted
or required following completion of clean-up activities; and
2) DOE policy regarding its responsibilities during the closure and
post-closure period after the completion of cleanup activities.
A useful set of working definitions to clarify the meaning of key terms
and concepts related to this study can be found in From Cleanup to Stewardship,
a October 1999 publication of the Department of Energy's Office of Environmental
Management (DOE, 1999). From Cleanup to Stewardship provides a recent
summary of many of the problems related to DOE demonstration of assured
long-term monitoring and maintenance programs at its nuclear waste legacy
In From Cleanup to Stewardship, "cleanup" is defined as:
process of addressing contaminated land, facilities and materials in
accordance with applicable requirements. Cleanup does not imply that
all hazards are removed from the sites. The term "remediation"
is often used synonymously with "cleanup."
To define the physical state of a site after cleanup activities have
been completed, From Cleanup to Stewardship uses the term "end
The term "long-term stewardship" (LTS) is defined as:
"All activities required to protect human health and the environment
from hazards remaining after cleanup is complete" (DOE, 1999, p.
The language used in these brief definitions for "cleanup"
and "long-term stewardship" is repeated in the longer definitions
provided for these terms in DOE 2001, A Report to Congress on Long-Term
Stewardship, DOE/EM-0466.
Using these definitions, the "end state" at a waste site refers
to the physical characteristics at the site following completion of
"cleanup." Cleanup programs resulting in "end state"
conditions that leave "hazards remaining [at the site] after cleanup"
can be understood to require more extensive LTS activities than sites
that reach "end state" conditions where all hazards are removed.
Where waste is left in place, LTS efforts are necessary to protect human
health and the environment from long-term risks due to hazardous and
radioactive materials that will remain at the site.
Policy in the Context of other Federal Waste Management Responsibilities
DOE represents From Cleanup to Stewardship as a first attempt to quantify
the likely scope of its stewardship activities. DOE recognizes that
the concern for LTS and the available mechanisms to guarantee that LTS
is successfully implemented at hazardous and radioactive waste sites
is not unique to DOE. The EPA, for example, is responsible for cleanup
of solid and hazardous waste sites through RCRA and other authorities.
The Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for cleanup on DOD lands.
The Department of the Interior (DOI) is responsible for cleanup of many
mines and other disturbed lands. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
is responsible for cleanup of a wide variety of radioactive waste sites.
All these agencies are involved with sites where potentially hazardous
materials will remain in place and post-cleanup monitoring and maintenance
are necessary. While the array of hazardous and radioactive materials
found at DOE sites is unique to that agency, the problems associated
with hazards that persist for very long periods of time at sites under
the jurisdiction of other federal agencies are similar to those facing
DOE at its nuclear legacy sites.
The closure and post-closure care programs applied by these federal
agencies are very extensive and are currently being implemented at thousands
of sites, including sites where responsible parties include other federal
agencies. The EPA's responsibilities include defining post-closure requirements
for sites within the scope of the two main federal hazardous and solid
waste laws. These are:
1) Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980,
or "Superfund" (42 USC 9601, et seq.) , and
2) Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 as amended, (42USC 6901,
et seq.)
Through the programs established through these laws, EPA's responsibility
encompasses tens of thousands of sites nationwide.
The DOD's cleanup programs alone cover more than 10,000 sites through
the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP). The DOI has responsibility
for more than 13,000 inactive or abandoned mining sites on lands administered
by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Park Service (NPS).
The NRC has responsibility for some of the largest radioactive waste
sites on the planet, the uranium mill tailings piles leftover from the
production of uranium oxide - "yellowcake" - for nuclear weapons
and nuclear power applications. Many of the uranium mill tailings remediation
projects that the NRC has issued licenses for are sites under the jurisdiction
of DOE (DOE, 1999, p. 18 - 22).
II.D. Need for Long-Term Stewardship
Demonstration of effective long-term stewardship (LTS) across the DOE
nuclear weapons complex is a current national policy concern and is
likely to dominate the agency's responsibilities for decades to come.
From Cleanup to Stewardship (DOE, 1999), states that active stewardship
will be necessary at more than 70% of DOE sites by the year 2050 when
DOE has projected that all clean-up activities currently identified
will be complete. Active stewardship was already in place at approximately
25% of the DOE sites by 1998. The recognition that most DOE sites will
require active LTS is demonstrated by a projection of rapid growth in
the number of active stewardship sites. DOE projected that 50% of its
nuclear legacy sites will be engaged in active stewardship by the year
2006 (DOE, 1999, p. 40) even before the accelerated cleanup approach
associated with the "Top-to-Bottom Review" (DOE, 2002) was
announced. These projections mean that in 2050, 103 of the total of
144 DOE nuclear legacy sites identified in 1999 will require active
stewardship, six sites will require passive stewardship and only 35
sites, or 25%, will not require active stewardship activities.
Surprisingly, DOE's projection shows that the number of sites where
cleanup has been complete enough so that no active stewardship will
be needed will remain relatively constant between 1998 and 2050, when
all cleanup activities are to have been completed. These projections
demonstrate that LTS will play an increasing significant role for the
foreseeable future at the vast majority of DOE waste sites.
Acknowledging the close relationship between future land uses, clean
up methods and LTS, From Cleanup to Stewardship considered the current
lack of information in these areas to be an important focus for future
research and public policy dialogue. Though DOE found that LTS activities
will be required at most of its sites, it was unable to determine the
overall cost of LTS needed in 1999, due to the uncertainty associated
with site-specific future land use policy and the evolution of waste
management technology (DOE, 1999, p. 53). Future land use considerations
include establishing policy about site access following cleanup such
as whether a site will be released to unrestricted use, remain public
land with restricted use, remain public land but be closed to entry,
or restricted in some other manner.
In summary, From Cleanup to Stewardship shows that only a quarter of
DOE waste sites, 35 sites out of total of 144, are projected to achieve
complete cleanup without associated LTS. Complete cleanup in this context
is likely to require removal of all radioactive and hazardous constituents
as necessary to attain release from RCRA-type LTS responsibility after
closure. Comprehensive removal, or a technology capable to ensuring
encapsulation of all constituents of concern on site, is a precondition
for DOE to manage a site without active LTS measures such as land use
restrictions or periodic maintenance, monitoring and repair of containment
systems. This relationship is the core of the problem at the Sandia
MWL. If comprehensive removal of the hazardous and radioactive waste
is not proposed at the MWL, active LTS becomes the primary focus of
both regulatory and public concern.
II.E. DOE's Approach to Long-Term Stewardship in 2002
In February 2002, the George W. Bush Administration's DOE provided a
wide-ranging policy statement designed to improve its environmental
management program, including LTS aspects of that program. This document,
A Review of the Environmental Management (EM) Program Presented to the
Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management by the Top-to-Bottom
Review Team, ("Top-to-Bottom Review", DOE, 2002) declares
the primary LTS issue facing the Department is building the capacity
"[P]lan adequately for a long-term stewardship program at sites
where cleanup has been completed to ensure protection of public health
and the environment" (DOE, 2002, p. V-14 - V-15).
The DOE is faced with this problem at many sites around the country.
The Top-to-Bottom Review (TTBR) advocates for a more effective approach
to LTS as a result of the determination that as DOE "completes
cleanup at sites for which it is responsible, certain limitations will
preclude remediation to pre-existing or residential standards."
The phrase "pre-existing or residential standards" appears
to be used to represent cleanup to a degree of completeness that no
LTS programs are necessary, similar to the condition of a RCRA site
where all hazardous constituents are removed or encapsulated.
DOE, 2002, identifies the major barriers to total and complete cleanup
on a site-by-site basis as: technical limitations, economic limitations,
worker health and safety issues, and ecological damage. The combination
of scientific, engineering and policy challenges prevents DOE from projecting
that it can complete "removal-type" cleanup at all waste sites,
or even most waste sites. These obstacles remain insurmountable after
more than a decade of major policy on accelerating innovation by the
Department, other agencies and different interests in the public to
encourage innovative and cost effective environmental remedies.
DOE also recognizes that LTS is necessary as part of its responsibilities
under state or federal regulatory controls. DOE, 2002, states that "agreed-upon
cleanup strategies and standards that protect health and the environment
often result in some residual contamination remaining in the environment
which requires some degree of long-term stewardship." The TTBR
demonstrates that DOE is faced with a need to invest in LTS in perpetuity
since it will be required at all landfills and other engineered disposal
facilities where hazardous or radioactive wastes remain on-site.
Referring to DOE's legal responsibilities to establish LTS programs,
TTBR identifies the complexity and uncertainty inherent in maintaining
waste site activities that comply with enforceable permits. DOE, 2002,
states that:
"[F]or the most part, under CERCLA and RCRA authorities, these
laws and their implementing regulations do not prescribe a process for
post-closure/remedial operation, maintenance, and monitoring (i.e. long-term
stewardship). In addition, each site is characterized by unique circumstances,
such as selected remedies, end states, and future land uses that can
influence long-term planning. As a result there is no single cohesive
set of guidelines for LTS."
These statements support a conclusion that the combination of: 1) a
lack of a strict "prescription" for LTS programs in existing
legislation and regulations; and 2) the unique attributes of each site,
means LTS programs will have to be very site-specific and will vary
widely across the nation.
DOE has commissioned detailed studies of LTS in recent years, leading
to the publication of a large body of literature, such as:
" National Academy of Sciences, "Long-Term Institutional Management
of the U.S. Department of Energy Legacy Waste Sites," (NAS, 2001)
at www.nap.edu/openbook/030907181X/R1.html; and
" USDOE Office of Environmental Management, "A Report to Congress
on Long-Term Stewardship: Volume I - Summary Report and Volume II- Site
Summaries", January 2001 (DOE, 2001) at http://lts.apps.em.doe.gov//center/ndaareport.html;
among others.
The process of LTS research and development is not over by any means,
however. The TTBR recognizes that in 2002, DOE still suffers from both
the "lack of a program strategy," and the lack of "a
prescribed long-term stewardship process, [a condition]
in uncertainty in the Environmental Management (EM) program and plans
that are excessive and other than risk-based." The TTBR indicated:
1) A clear lack of support for the range of LTS programs that have emerged
to address these concerns within DOE in recent years;
2) A variety of problems with recent agency practices; and
3) Past experience provides few positive models of effective long-term
management to emulate.
Searching for a viable model applicable to LTS, DOE identifies the post-closure
program created under the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act
(UMTRCA) of 1978. This recommendation is based on TTBR assertion that "mill tailings program's monitoring and surveillance [are] being
performed under NRC license at 26 Title I sites for $5 million annually." UMTRCA Title I sites are uranium mill tailings sites which produced
uranium primarily for nuclear weapons-related uses that operated prior
to 1970.
The TTBR states that DOE needs to establish a LTS strategy and develop
policy and guidance that will result in "consistent, predictable,
risk-based implementation
in accordance with the goals of RCRA
and CERCLA and should be rooted in the programmatic strategy for accelerated
site closure." Calling "the UMTRCA process
a model,
[and] recognizing that risk should be used as an end-point determinant,"
the TTBR recommends that "policy should be formalized that assigns
responsibility [within DOE] for long-term stewardship once cleanup has
been completed at DOE-owned sites" (DOE, 2002, p. 15).
In summary, the TTBR identifies an urgent need for effective LTS at
DOE waste sites similar to that of the previous Administration outlined
in From Cleanup to Stewardship. This need, the basis for a "Call
to Action" in the TTBR, will lead to a new round of LTS proposals
for DOE sites at which:
1) Complete removal of contaminants is not considered technically or
economically possible; and
2) The restoration of unrestricted land use following closure is not
possible due to risk-based concerns.
The set of DOE sites with this combination of attributes includes the
MWL as well as all other sites at Sandia National Laboratories that
are not projected to be either cleaned up by complete removal of all
hazardous and radioactive contaminants or opened to unrestricted land
use following closure.
III. Overview of Sandia National Laboratories' Mixed Waste Landfill
A substantial record of documentation has been developed regarding the
Mixed Waste Landfill at Sandia National Laboratories resulting from
investigations by DOE and SNL staff and contractors as well as investigations
resulting from the application of regulatory authority at Sandia by
New Mexico Environment Department (NMED). The NMED regulates the site
through authority established by the New Mexico Hazardous Waste Act
which authorizes New Mexico to adopt and implement regulations equivalent
to but no more stringent than EPA's RCRA program. While NMED has asserted
regulatory authority regarding mixed waste through this program, NMED
and DOE do not agree fully on the relationship between the state's authority
over mixed waste and DOE authority regarding jurisdiction over radioactive
wastes that does not contain non-radioactive hazardous constituents.
The NMED maintains a DOE Oversight Division within its Hazardous and
Radioactive Waste Bureau with responsibility for sites at DOE facilities
in the state, including Sandia's MWL.
Key aspects of the MWL are summarized in a NMED "Fact Sheet" (NMED, 2001a). The Mixed Waste Landfill is composed of unlined, waste-filled
pits and trenches inside perimeter fencing on a gently sloping mesa
6 - 7 miles east of the Rio Grande southeast side of downtown Albuquerque,
New Mexico. The MWL is located in Tech Area III of Sandia National Laboratories'
Albuquerque, NM, complex. This complex is operated by Sandia Corporation,
a unit of Lockheed-Martin Corp, for the Department of Energy's Albuquerque
Operations Office within the boundaries of Kirtland Air Force Base,
where both Sandia National Laboratories and DOE's Albuquerque Operations
Office are tenants. Hazardous waste on the DOD-operated portion of Kirtland
Air Force Base is regulated through a separate NMED permit from the
permit issued to SNL, Kirtland's largest tenant.
The Mixed Waste Landfill received waste between 1959 and 1988 that was
disposed in roughly 50 unlined pits and trenches dug 15 - 25 feet into
the soil across a 2.6-acre area, a 0.6-acre portion of which was operated
as a "classified waste landfill." Based on data available
to NMED in 2001, the MWL contains approximately 100,000 cubic feet of
radioactive and hazardous waste estimated to have contained more than
6300 curies of radioactivity at the time of disposal. Hazardous constituents
at the MWL include organic chemicals such as trichloroethylene (TCE)
and carbon tetrachloride; heavy metals such as lead and cadmium; more
than 40 radioactive constituents that include tritium, cobalt-60, strontium-90,
iodine-129, and cesium-137, as well as depleted uranium and plutonium.
SNL presented its summary of MWL waste characteristics as a part of
its RCRA-related documentation; however, recently available information
disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by Citizen
Action shows substantially more uncertainty about wastes buried at the
MWL than acknowledged by DOE and SNL. An independent review of SNL's
risk assessment for the MWL by Dr. Marvin Resnikoff commissioned by
Citizen Action also determined that the wastes at the MWL have not been
fully or accurately characterized (Resnikoff, 2001). See the websites
mentioned at the end of this section for more information about the
The depth to groundwater at the site is 460 feet. The water resource
encountered at that depth is the upper surface of an Albuquerque Basin
regional aquifer that supplies drinking water to more than 500,000 people
in the Middle Rio Grande Valley. NMED, 2001a, indicates that no contamination
of groundwater resulting from the MWL has been detected.
The NMED reports that some vadose zone contamination has been detected
at the site above the aquifer. The vadose zone is the portion of the
subsurface of the earth found between the land surface and an aquifer
where water may exist in unsaturated conditions. Vadose zone contamination
detected as of January 2001 includes:
1) "low levels of tritium
the higher tritium levels have
been measured in samples from the Classified Area (maximum soil sample
1100 pCi/g [picoCuries per gram]; maximum subsurface soil sample 206.7
pCi/g)" and
2) "low levels of cadmium
in the vadose zone
the west side of the Unclassified Area (highest level 2 mg/kg)."
these contaminants, NMED stated that "the low levels of tritium
and cadmium contamination detected in the vadose zone do not pose a
significant threat to human health and the environment."
Cleanup, or more formally "Corrective Action," activities
at the MWL are regulated by the NMED pursuant to the New Mexico Hazardous
Waste Regulations that incorporate the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
(HSWA) to RCRA. These HSWA amendments address waste disposal facilities
in operation prior to issuance of RCRA permits for those sites, such
as the Sandia MWL. The NMED permit for Sandia National Laboratories
is permit HWB-SNL-01-025 -- EPA ID NO. NM 58990110518. It identifies
DOE as "facility owner" and Sandia Corporation as "facility
operator." The New Mexico Hazardous Waste Regulations that govern
the permitting process incorporate EPA's RCRA regulations word-for-word
in almost all instances as they reflect a statutory limitation on New
Mexico's hazardous waste program to authority "equal to but no
more stringent than" EPA's RCRA program.
As of January 2001, DOE/SNL's proposed cleanup plan for the MWL was
described by the NMED as an "interim measure" (rather than
a final cleanup plan) that would provide for "a 3-ft thick monolithic
soil cover and [the] monitoring of ground water and the vadose zone
for any potential contaminant migration."
Significantly, from a LTS perspective, NMED asserted that:
"[S]hould a cover be approved the NMED would require evaluation
of the effectiveness of the cover at specified time intervals. Should
monitoring reveal a significant problem, other remedial alternatives,
including excavation and removal of the landfill contents would be considered" (NMED, 2001a).
The NMED indicates that the RCRA permit for Sandia requires closure
and post-closure plans that provide for:
" "evaluation of the effectiveness of the cover at specified
time intervals,
" monitoring, and
" should monitoring reveal a significant problem, other remedial
measures, including excavation and removal of the landfill contents" (NMED, 2001a).
Were the
MWL permitted under regulations applicable to a private facility due
to its operation by privately-owned Sandia Corporation, the activities
referred to above would be both: 1) specified in closure and post-closure
plans; and 2) guaranteed through a financial assurance mechanism acceptable
to NMED.
On October
11, 2001, the NMED issued a letter requiring the Sandia permittees immediately
to begin a Corrective Measures Study (CMS) to comply with the requirements
of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Act of 1980 (HSWA) portion of RCRA,
specifically Permit Module IV, Sections N, O, P, Q, and S (NMED, 2001b).
The NMED letter ordered that the CMS Final Report provide:
"[T]he results of each remedy studied and a proposed corrective
action program that will attain compliance with the corrective action
objectives, control sources, meet acceptable waste management requirements,
protect human health and the environment" and "recommend
any interim measures that are necessary to protect human health and
the environment" (NMED, 2001b, p. 2).
The MWL has been the focus of considerable public involvement, including
two public meetings hosted by the NMED in January, 2001, attended by
more than 150 people at each meeting, in addition to many other public
meetings and outreach activities by members of Citizen Action. This
extensive pattern of public interest was acknowledged by NMED as a part
of the basis for the issuance of the CMS requirement in October, 2001.
In summary then, unless DOE/SNL radically changes their proposed cleanup
plan at the MWL, the CMS will evaluate the implementation of its currently
preferred alternative. That plan proposes covering the MWL with "a
3-ft thick monolithic soil cover" and monitoring the surface and
subsurface at and around it for hazardous and radioactive contaminants.
The DOE's currently proposed clean up plan for the MWL would leave all
radioactive and hazardous constituents at the site. Therefore, closure
and post-closure plans that provide: 1) long-term monitoring; 2) repair
and maintenance of the cover and the monitoring systems; and 3) the
capacity to consider and implement excavation of the wastes, are all
likely to be required by NMED at the MWL. All three concerns are necessary
to establish an effective set of LTS procedures for the MWL.
more detail is currently available regarding the condition, content,
and management of the MWL. Sources on the Web include:
" Sandia's MWL website: http://www.sandia.gov/ltscenter/mwl.html
" Citizen Action's website at: http://www.radfreenm.org.
IV.A. Options for Guaranteeing Long-Term Stewardship at Federal RCRA
DOE has utilized the RCRA exception at 40 CFR 2640.140(c) to avoid providing
financial assurance for its closure and post-closure plans at many sites,
including the Sandia MWL. That policy raises questions about trust and
confidence in DOE among the range of interests in society that are affected
by waste-related decisions. A fundamental concern in this regard is
whether DOE's long-term stewardship policy is perceived of as either
credible or reliable without supporting long-term financial assurance
At private RCRA sites detailed closure and post-closure plans underwritten
by enforceable financial assurance agreements, often payable to the
regulatory agency issuing the permit either state or federal, guarantee
that those plans will be implemented if responsible parties are unable
to complete the job. Where RCRA sites are considered "State and
Federal Government" sites they have generally been exempt from
the same financial assurance requirement. While this exemption exists,
DOE, DOD and other federal agencies have not been routinely required
to meet the financial assurance requirements set for private waste sites.
Nevertheless, public policy analysts with widely differing viewpoints
have observed that the exemption does not resolve or eliminate the need
for guaranteed LTS. Indeed, it may heighten the need for states and
the federal government to demonstrate guaranteed financial commitments
to LTS activities.
Among other efforts, DOE has convened seminars and workshops to support
development of LTS at which opinion leaders and experts have provided
their analysis of the challenges facing the DOE related to demonstrating
credible, LTS at waste sites where wastes are left in the ground. The
papers presentedat several of these seminars are available on line including:
" "DOE's Long-Term Stewardship Workshop," July 2001 at
: http://www.gjo.doe.gov/program/lstm/general/events/index.html ; and
" The "Resources for the Future Workshop on Long-Term Stewardship
at Contaminated Sites: Innovative Funding and Oversight," December,
2000 at:
IV.B. The
Trust Fund as a Model for Guaranteeing Federal Long-Term Stewardship
A Trust Fund is a financial management instrument that provides a lawful
way for funds to be set aside in a secure account or institution for
a specific set of purposes. Trust Funds are financial management strategies
authorized by a range of state and federal statutes that address long-term
responsibility at waste sites. As a result, Trust Funds have been a
focus of numerous investigations related to DOE exploration of solutions
to its dilemma related to guaranteeing LTS activities at waste sites.
This section provides a summary of Trust Funds, as one of the available
options for guaranteeing LTS.
A recent -- post-2000 election, but pre-September 11, 2001 -- overview
of the trust fund option was presented by Anthony J. Thompson, Esq.
at a "Long-Term Stewardship Workshop" on July 31, 2001 (Thompson
2001). Mr. Thompson's law firm has represented Nuclear Regulatory Commission
licensees with long-term safety concerns such as in-situ mine uranium
mine operators, addressed "Trusts and Long Term Stewardship (LTS)
at Decommissioned Nuclear Facilities."
Thompson's basic "premise is [that] financial assurance is a critical
component of successful LTS oversight
" because the cost of
treatment technology for complete clean up is very high and rising rapidly
at many sites. He asserts that "reality sets in [as the] questionable
effectiveness of treatment often collides with extremely high costs
of treatment (i. e., pump and treat) [and] highly contaminated sites
(i. e., complex contaminant profiles, large volumes, groundwater problems)
can demand consideration of other options" (Thompson 2001).
These conditions lead to considerations of "in situ remediation
with or without some treatment, with or without some removal in conjunction
with: engineered barriers, site use restrictions, informational devices,
[including] combinations thereof (i. e., layering) and, LTS (long-term
stewardship)." Thompson states that "questions about [the]
continuing viability of LTS [include]:
1) Appropriate Entities (e. g. Corporations versus Governmental Entities)
[to provide LTS];
2) Long Time Frames (e. g. 1,000 years) [are needed at many sites with
LTS needs]; and
3) Fundamental Purposes Differ [in site-specific conditions]."
Noting that "governmental entities [are] preferred [as Trustees in many cases],
major questions arise regarding financial assurance for governmental
entities [including] "Long Time Frames (i. e., sustainability);
[and] Political and Legislative Obstacles (i. e., appropriations)."
The basis for the political and legislative obstacles at the federal
level is that "governmental entities generally must have funding
authorized and appropriated" by Congress. For the Federal Government,
guiding authorities include:
1) Anti- Deficiency Act (31 USC 1341) [that] "Prevents Any Federal
Agency From Spending Money In Excess Of Funds Appropriated By Congress;" [and]
2) U. S. Constitution: Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 [that] States: "No Money Shall Be Drawn From The Treasury, But In Consequence
Of Appropriations Made By Law."
Congress is unlikely to change these bases for its funding of Federal
Government operations which is at the core of its key political role
as the authorizer and appropriator of federal funds, the financial mechanism
of a "Trust" has been identified as a possible alternative
states that a Trust is a "legal instrument which conveys property
to use and manage for the benefit of the beneficiary. [The] trustee
has [the] responsibility to manage trust assets for purposes of trust.
Trust purposes must be legal but there is much flexibility in trust
construction. [A] Trustee [is] held to highest legal standards to manage
trust assets [and the] potential fiduciary liability for mismanagement
by [a] Trustee provides [a] strong check on irresponsible actions."
asserts that Trusts may be a viable method for providing "LTS that
is financially sustainable and properly accountable so that in situ
[decommissioning and disposal/ remediation (including site use restrictions)
[can be] a viable option."
He lists the beneficial attributes of Trusts as including the recognition
that: "Trusts are flexible and there are strong legal bases for
assuring that Trust purposes are fulfilled by [a] Trustee [as they:]
can hold assets for [the] long time frames involved; can earmark funds
for Trust (i. e., LTS) purposes; can avoid
[the] appropriation
process; [and] substitute
substantial legal certainty for potential
political uncertainty."
Thompson's primary model for a Trust Fund is the system established
to support long-term monitoring and maintenance at uranium mill tailings
sites following closure as provided for by the US Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC). This is the same model that is identified in DOE EM's "Top-to-Bottom Review."
Thompson describes the NRC's uranium mill tailings Trust Fund approach,
established under authority of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control
Act (MTRCA) of 1978, briefly. NRC has established regulations which
require "[l]icensees at NRC approved sites fund annual surveillance
and maintenance if necessary through Financial Assurance Mechanisms
such as bonds, letter of credit and other allowable surety instruments"
(10 CFR 20 Appendix A, Criterion 9). These surety instruments provide
funding for both post closure surveillance and passive maintenance and
"additional [funds]
for active maintenance" is required
of licensees through the funding trusts to provide long-term activities
through a NRC UMTRCA regulation at 10 CFR 20 Appendix A, Criterion 10.
trust model is the only specific example provided by Thompson, however,
and it would not be directly applicable to the Sandia Mixed Waste Landfill
without modification. Among the notable differences are:
1) The wastes at the MWL do not fit the criteria for wastes covered
by UMTRCA authority; and
2) Neither NRC nor any other federal agency is readily identifiable
as Trustee for a Mixed Waste Landfill Trust Fund, other than DOE itself.
An important option for consideration at the Sandia MWL would be for
the State of New Mexico to serve as the Trustee. The NMED serves as
the designated recipient of funds from financial assurance instruments,
a role very similar to that of a "Trustee" for a trust fund,
at many sites pursuant to a variety of New Mexico statutes including
the New Mexico Hazardous Waste Act, the New Mexico Solid Waste Act,
the New Mexico Mining Act and the New Mexico Water Quality Act.
In summary, the UMTRCA model identified by both DOE in the "Top-to-Bottom-Review"
and by Thompson provides a useful option for New Mexico and DOE to consider
funding for a LTS financial assurance mechanism for the MWL. In the
UMTRCA model as well as financial assurance instruments approved under
New Mexico statutes for mining operations, groundwater discharge permittees,
solid waste facility owners and hazardous waste facilities owners, the
permittee is responsible for endowing the Trust Fund for which the NRC
is the Trustee. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, New Mexico required
"continued care funds" to endow post-closure activities at
uranium mill tailings site around the state under regulations adopted
by the Environmental Improvement Board, the same board which has adopted
the New Mexico Hazardous Waste Regulations.
Since the facility operator retains significant responsibility under
RCRA as a permittee, the operator of Sandia National Laboratories, Lockheed-Martin
Corp., rather than the federal government, may be an appropriate party
to establish a Trust Fund for any post-closure activities required at
the MWL. Because uranium mill tailings contain a mix of hazardous and
radioactive constituents with known health risks if poorly controlled,
the UMTRCA trust fund model addresses activities very similar to those
found in closure and post-closure plans guaranteed by RCRA-type financial
assurance mechanisms. As Trust Funds can be financed by interest earned
on an endowment or funds held as principal, they can be initiated by
appropriations that may not require periodic reallocations of federal
funds if the Trust Fund cost does not exceed projected maximum levels.
IV.C. Financial Assurance Through a State-Administered Trust Fund: Mixed
Waste Landfill at Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee
The Trust Fund model has been applied in at least one case for a DOE
facility other than a uranium mill tailings pile, though that example
is not identified as a model in the TTBR or by Thompson and his fellow
presenters at the 2001 "Long-Term Stewardship Workshop." A
trust fund has been established through agreements between DOE and the
State of Tennessee for financial assurance for closure and post-closure
activities at a mixed waste landfill at the Oak Ridge Reservation. This
trust fund was established in 1999, when DOE, as part of its clean-up
responsibilities at the "Y-12" plant at Oak Ridge, agreed
to pay $14 million to the State of Tennessee during a 14-year period
to endow post-closure activities at a mixed waste landfill. The state
is authorized to use the interest earned on the money placed in the
trust fund for closure and post-closure activities. The principal placed
in the fund therefore provides a permanent endowment to conduct post-closure
monitoring and maintenance at the mixed waste landfill, projected to
contain 43 million pounds of waste (Oak Ridger, 1999).
A leading nuclear weapons research laboratory during the Cold War Era,
DOE's 37,000 acre Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) includes three major facilities
at what is now called "East Tennessee Technology Park"- the
K-25 Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichment Plant; Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, and the Y-12 Plant. Listed in the EPA's National Priorities
List under CERCLA ("Superfund") in 1989, ORR is subject to
a "Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) for the Oak Ridge Reservation" signed by DOE, EPA and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
(TDEC) in 1992. A mixed waste landfill at ORR is designated as the final
repository for a portion of the hazardous and radioactive waste resulting
from CERCLA activities. This Oak Ridge Mixed Waste Landfill has been
permitted through a RCRA-type regulatory system implemented by the State
of Tennessee creating a number of parallels to the Sandia Mixed Waste
Pursuant to the FFA, a "Proposed Plan for the Disposal of Oak Ridge
Reservation CERCLA [Waste]" ((DOE/OR/02-1652&D3) was drafted
and distributed for public comment in January 1999. The selected plan
submitted to TDEC was provided in a "Record of Decision for the
Disposal of ORR CERCLA Waste, Oak Ridge Tennessee" (ROD, 1999).
The remedy selected includes "the construction and operation of
an engineered, above grade, earthen disposal cell and supporting facilities"
within ORR to dispose of "contaminated media and radioactive and
hazardous mixed wastes." Though the remedy is established under
the authority of CERCLA, the substances to be disposed of include hazardous
waste as defined by Tennessee State law (TCA Section 68-212-101 et Seq.).
The remedy includes closure of the disposal cell with a "RCRA-compliant
cap" and "post-closure surveillance and maintenance, institutional
controls and media monitoring that will continue indefinitely" (Commissioner's Order, 1999).
The Oak Ridge on-site disposal cell was designed to be "RCRA-compliant" and include the closure and post-closure plans required by the state-implemented
hazardous waste program in order to attain RCRA standards. This framework
is very similar to the situation at the Sandia Mixed Waste Landfill.
A potential significant difference between the two landfills may be
that the Oak Ridge MWL has been permitted as a fully engineered disposal
cell while the Sandia MWL design involves only capping of the disposal
area, not placement of wastes in a fully lined engineered disposal unit.
The closure and post-closure requirements of the permit issued by TDEC
are addressed through orders establishing a Trust Fund as the mechanism
to finance anticipated maintenance and repair efforts on a permanent
basis. This trust fund for the Oak Ridge mixed waste disposal cell is
established through:
1) A Consent Order, signed by the Chairman of the Tennessee Solid Waste
Control Board, including a Notice of Waiver of Rights to Appeal signed
on behalf of DOE; (Consent Order, 1999) and
2) A Commissioner's Order, signed by the Commissioner of the Tennessee
Department of Environment and Conservation (Commissioner's Order, 1999).
The Consent Order provides the framework for implementation of the fund,
and states:
settlement of the current controversy, DOE shall pay TDEC the sum of
Fourteen million dollars. This sum shall be payable in fourteen (14)
installments, with each installment to be paid before September 30 of
each year, with the first installment due by September 30, 2000 and
the last installment due by September 30, 2013."
The Consent
Order provides that the DOE Group Leader, ORR Remediation Management
Group and the TDEC Director of the DOE Oversight Division may modify
the schedule and amounts of the installments required by that paragraph
by written agreement. The TDEC's responsibility to manage the fund in
keeping with its stated purpose is clearly defined. The TDEC is required
to deposit payments in a state "pooled investment fund" according
to investment and policy guidelines established by state law and use
a site specific "Fund Implementation Plan" to guide allocations.
In the Consent
Order, the policy positions of both the State of Tennessee and DOE are
stated. The DOE position reflects its perceived inability to take responsibility
for allocation of funds not authorized by appropriations from Congress
as such an allocation is unlawful. The Order states:
position [is] that any requirement for the payment or obligation of
funds by DOE
this Consent Order including the Fund Implementation
Plan is subject to the availability of appropriated funds and that no
provision of the Consent Order, including the Fund Implementation Plan,
should be interpreted to require the obligation or payment of funds
in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act at 31 USC 1341, as amended."
In contrast,
TDEC [Tennessee]'s position is that the federal Anti-Deficiency Act
does not apply to any obligations set forth in the Consent Order or
the Fund Implementation Plan.
In the event appropriated funds are not available to fulfill DOE obligations
under the Consent Order and the Fund Implementation Plan, DOE agreed
to meet promptly with TDEC representatives to discuss whether the parties
can reach an accommodation on adjustments to requirements involving
scheduled payments and required activities at the site. The Consent
Order also states that:
"if no agreement can be reached, then TDEC and DOE agree that,
in an action by the TDEC to enforce any provision of this Consent Order,
including the Fund Implementation Plan, the DOE may raise as a defense
that its failure or delay was caused by the unavailability of appropriated
The Consent Order states that TDEC disagrees that the lack of appropriations
or funding is a valid defense for DOE. However, it concludes that TDEC
and DOE agree and stipulate that it is premature at this time to raise
and adjudicate the existence of such defense. In addition to the Fund
Implementation Plan, attachments to the Consent Order include a "Notice
and Waiver of Rights to Appeal" that concludes: "DOE understands
the aforementioned rights and knowingly and voluntarily waives these
rights as to this Consent Order."
The Commissioner's Order provides the legal and regulatory basis for
the Consent Order. It states that, according to Tennessee statute TCA
Section 68-212-108c(2), "the Commissioner has the authority to
require the payment of sums to a statutorily created fund called the
"Perpetual Care Trust Fund." Such a fund is authorized by
statute if the Commissioner determines that there is a reasonable probability
that a site:
"[W]ill eventually cease to operate while containing, storing,
or otherwise treating hazardous waste on the premises which will require
continuing and perpetual care or surveillance over the site to protect
the public health, safety or welfare."
Specifically in relation to the requirement to pay specific sums of
money into that Trust Fund, the statue requires that the Commissioner:
"[S]hall give due consideration to the nature of the hazardous
waste material, the size and type of facility or site to be decommissioned,
and the anticipated expense of perpetual care and surveillance."
Pursuant to state law and "after proper consideration of ROD-1999," the Commissioner determined:
"[T]hat there is a reasonable probability that DOE-ORR will eventually
cease to operate while containing, storing, or otherwise treating hazardous
waste on the premises which will require continuing perpetual care or
surveillance over the site to protect the public health, safety and
welfare" (Commissioner's Order, 1999).
After considering the nature of the hazardous waste material resulting
from the remediation under CERCLA of the DOE-ORR site, the size and
type of the DOE-ORR site to be decommissioned, and the anticipated expense
of perpetual care and surveillance, the Commissioner ordered that:
1) "The
Respondent [DOE] shall provide the sum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00)
per year for the next fourteen (14) consecutive years;
2) The Respondent shall make the first payment of $1,000,000.00 within
NINETY (90) DAYS of the receipt of this ORDER;
3) The payments shall be paid into the Perpetual Care Trust Fund established
for the DOE-ORR facility by the State of Tennessee within NINETY (90)
DAYS of approval of ROD-1999; and
4) Subsequent annual payments shall be due in the consecutive years
of the same date (month and day) as the initial payment."
The Order requires that the DOE-ORR Perpetual Care Trust Fund be maintained
in the Treasury of the State of Tennessee. Both the principal and interest
will be retained in the Fund provided that "the interest generated
by the investments may be spent in the perpetual care and surveillance
of the DOE-ORR site" (Commissioner's Order, 1999).
As is the case with the Sandia MWL and other sites discussed in this
report, the relevant technical and legal documentation is vastly larger
than that identified in this summary of the Trust Fund developed for
the Oak Ridge MWL. Based on the documents summarized, however, the Oak
Ridge example is a strong candidate as a model for NMED establishment
of Trust Funds for waste repositories associated with operation at facilities
owned by the Department of Energy.
In summary,
the DOE has agreed to the establishment of a perpetual care trust fund
to endow closure and post-closure activities for the Oak Ridge Mixed
Waste Landfill. That fund is held by the State of Tennessee specifically
and solely for closure and post-closure activities at the Oak Ridge
MWL. While DOE registered its concern that funds for disbursement to
the trust fund may not be appropriated by Congress in the future, the
DOE agreed to defer any appeal of matters related to the fund and allowed
the fund to be established. As a result, the DOE has consented to the
establishment of the trust fund through a sequence of periodic appropriations
and Tennessee has agreed that if the appropriations are not provided,
DOE has the option of seeking legal or administrative remedies. The
mechanism established for the Oak Ridge MWL is directly applicable to
the Sandia MWL, though the basis for the trust fund would be as defined
under New Mexico state law. As mentioned above, the State of New Mexico
has an extensive record of responsibly maintaining financial assurance
for closure and post-closure activities at many waste sites under existing
state authority.
A collaborative
relationship with states, like that demonstrated in the Consent Order
signed by both the DOE and the State of Tennessee establishing the trust
fund for the Oak Ridge MWL, is fundamental to the DOE's commitment to
guaranteeing LTS programs at sites in other states. No information has
been identified to date regarding the active consideration of this model
for the Sandia MWL, or other DOE sites regulated by the New Mexico Environment
IV.D. Long-Term Stewardship through Financial Guarantees by Private
Operators of Federal Facilities
When a federally-owned facility is operated by a private party, that
private entity rather than the federal government may be a reasonable
and appropriate institution to establish financial assurance guarantees
associated with RCRA-based closure and post-closure requirements at
the site they operate. This conceptual approach served as the basis
for a financial assurance requirement proposed for the hazardous waste
permit issued by NMED covering operations at the Waste Isolation Pilot
Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico.
In the WIPP permit, DOE is designated as owner and operator, and Westinghouse
Corporation's Waste Isolation Division (WID) is designated as co-operator.
A financial assurance requirement was provided by NMED in the permit
on the basis of its determination that an enforceable guarantee was
necessary to insure that the closure and post-closure portions of RCRA
permit for WIPP would be met (NMED, 1999a and NMED, 1999b). When the
financial assurance requirements for Westinghouse's WID unit were established
in provisions of a hazardous waste permit issued by NMED, DOE filed
a lawsuit to appeal those specific portions of the permit (USA, 1999).
Prior to a decision in that legal matter, federal legislation was enacted
that prohibited the specific approach to financial responsibility established
by the State from being applied at WIPP. This process is summarized
briefly below.
In 1999, following a public comment period and a lengthy public hearing,
NMED issued Permit NM 4890139088 for regulated activities at WIPP which
included Financial Assurance requirements (in Permit Modules II.N, II.O,
II.P, and II.Q). Module II.N.1, for example, required that, "WID
shall implement financial assurance in the amount of the most recent
closure and post-closure cost estimates prepared in accordance with
[applicable New Mexico regulations] 20 NMAC 4.1.500 incorporating 40CFR264.142
and 264.144." Recognizing the RCRA exemption of "states and
the federal government from the requirement of providing financial assurance" in state and federal regulations, at 20 NMAC 4.1.500 and 40 CFR 264.140
(c) respectively, New Mexico cited several reasons for its inclusion
of financial assurance requirements in the WIPP permit (NMED, 1999a
and NMED, 1999b).
The NMED asserted, in its "Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions
of Law" regarding the proposed WIPP Permit that:
"WID is required to comply with the financial assurance requirements
under 20 NMAC 4.1.500
for the following reasons: as a private
contractor, WID is not exempt from financial assurance requirements;
Westinghouse's (owner of WID) history of noncompliance revealed substantial
and significant evidence of past environmental violations; and the fact
that DOE has relied upon inadequacy of funding as a defense to liability
under environmental laws" (NMED, 1999b).
also asserted, based on the record in the WIPP Permit Hearing, that:
"DOE is not obligated to enter into an agreement to reimburse WID
closure and post-closure care financial assurance costs]. The fact that
WID and DOE have an agreement that DOE will compensate WID for the cost
of compliance in no way exempts WID from the regulation's requirement
of providing financial assurance
[g]iven the substantial problems
that states have had in obtaining funding from DOE for closure costs
at existing federal facilities, NMED has little confidence that DOE
will adequately fund clean-up obligations for proposed closure of WIPP" (NMED, 1999b).
Upon issuance of the WIPP RCRA permit by New Mexico that included financial
assurance requirements of co-operator WID, DOE promptly filed an appeal
in the US District Court, "USA v. State of New Mexico, et. al.
In the US District Court for the District of New Mexico CIV No. 99-1280M/RLP" (USA, 1999). In its appeal, DOE asserted that:
"Under its contract with Westinghouse, DOE must reimburse Westinghouse
for the costs of providing financial assurances under the Final [RCRA]
Permit. These assurances would be in the form of insurance policy, bond,
or trust fund that would pay for the closure and monitoring of WIPP
when the facility ceases disposal operations, in about 30 to 40 years.
The cost of providing such assurances is estimated to be up to $20 million
annually over the next five years. Under federal law, the United States
is required to pay for the closure and monitoring of WIPP, and therefore
the assurances provided by Westinghouse would only become effective
in the very unlikely event that the United States failed to meet its
Prior to disposition of the WIPP Permit Appeal, Congress passed and
President Clinton signed the "Military Construction Appropriations
Act, 2001" (Public Law 106-246, 114 Stat. 511 (2000). That legislation
contains language that specifically prevents the enforcement of financial
assurance provisions of the WIPP hazardous waste permit. The Act states,
in Section 201:
"Funds appropriated in this or any other Act hereafter may not
be used to pay on behalf of the United States or a contractor or subcontractor
of the United States for posting a bond or fulfilling any other financial
responsibility requirement related to closure or post-closure care and
monitoring of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. The State of New Mexico
or any other entity may not enforce against the United States or a contractor
or subcontractor of the United States, in this or any other fiscal year,
a requirement to post bond or any other financial responsibility requirement
relating to closure or post-closure care and monitoring of the Waste
Isolation Pilot Plant. Any financial responsibility requirement in a
permit or license for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant on the date of
the enactment of this section may not be enforced against the United
States or its contractors or subcontractors at the Plant."
Without addressing whether this legislation would be enforceable, NMED
Secretary Peter Maggiore modified the WIPP permit in response to the
legislation's enactment. The Secretary informed DOE that as a result
of the legislation, "financial assurance requirements set forth
in Modules II.N, II.O, II.P, and II.Q [of the WIPP Hazardous Waste permit]
may not be enforced, are no longer effective, and are hereby withdrawn."
While informing DOE of this position, the Secretary also stated, "[h]owever,
this change in the law does not effect or alter DOE's or any of its
contractor's responsibility for closure, post-closure care and monitoring
of the WIPP pursuant to the terms of the Permit" (NMED, 2000).
In summary,
the response of DOE and Congress to the financial assurance approach
attempted by New Mexico at WIPP contrasts very sharply with the DOE-State
agreements establishing the Oak Ridge Trust Fund. No information has
been identified at this time that indicates that a Trust Fund model
is being developed for the WIPP facility.
IV. E. Financial Assurance Established By a Federal Facility Contractor's
Financial and Performance Guarantee Insurance Policies
The financial
assurance approach currently established in the RCRA permit for the
Umatilla Chemical Depot near Hermiston in northeastern Oregon provides
another working model for financial assurance at a federal waste disposal
site involving a private contractor. At that site, chemical weapons
are being destroyed and wastes disposed of in conformance with a RCRA-based
hazardous waste storage and treatment permit issued by the Oregon Department
of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) to the US Army and its contractor, Washington
Group International/Washington Demilitarization Company (WGI/WDC). The
permit -- ID. NO. ORQ 000 009 431 -- has been issued by ODEQ and the
Oregon Environmental Quality Commission (OEQC). The mechanism Oregon
is applying to the Umatilla Chemical Depot is also a "RCRA-compliant" approach, reflecting a regulatory environment similar to both the Oak
Ridge Mixed Waste Landfill and the Sandia Mixed Waste Landfill.
required by law (Oregon R.S. 446.060) to satisfy itself that the contractor
retains requisite financial capability in order to remain in compliance
with the hazardous waste permit. This requirement has been achieved
using a pair of agreements involving the US Army, its contractor, and
the Oregon agencies. In one agreement, WGI/WDC provides a "Financial
and Performance Guarantee" signed by the Company's Chief Financial
Officer wherein WGI "guarantees payment of all debts and the faithful
performance of all obligations of Contract to the [O]DEQ and/or the
State of Oregon
" (Army 2000, Enclosure 2) In the second agreement,
US Army and WGI "enter into an advance Agreement that clarifies
the [inclusion] of reasonable, necessary and allowable costs which [WGI]
may incur in performance of [its contract with US Army to conduct chemical
weapons destruction]." (ODEQ, p. 2)
These guarantees
are reflected in several portions of the Umatilla Chemical Depot RCRA
Permit. The permit references the required array of insurance policies
covered by the "Financial and Performance Guarantee" as a
"Liability Requirement" (section 11.M of the permit) rather
than as a "Financial Assurance for Facility Closure" (section
II.K) mechanism. The "Liability Requirement" states that:
Co-Permittee or its parent company, shall maintain and keep current
liability policies of comprehensive general liability (CGL), umbrella
liability and following form excess liability, architects and engineers
professional liability and contractor's pollution policy and following
form excess liability, first catastrophic excess liability, and second
catastrophic insurance" (ODEQ, 2001, Module II, p. 15).
The Umatilla
Depot RCRA Permit, in Module I "Standard Permit Conditions,"
- Section I.I "Obligations for Corrective Action" requires:
"Owners or operators of Hazardous Waste Management Units must have
all necessary permits during the active life (and the closure periods)
of the unit, and for any period necessary to comply with the corrective
action requirements (see Module VIII) of this Permit. The corrective
action obligations required by this Permit will continue regardless
of whether the facility continues to operate or ceases operation and
closes. The facility is obligated to complete facility-wide corrective
action regardless of the operational status of the facility
is the case with all RCRA-based permits]."
In summary,
the financial assurance model used in the Umatilla Chemical Depot RCRA
permit requires the private contractor conducting work for the federal
agency responsible for the site to provide guarantees through the maintenance
of a set of conventional insurance policies. The types of insurance
policies required to guarantee that closure and post-closure plans will
be performed are listed in the waste site permit.
V. Conclusions and Recommendations Related to the Sandia Mixed Waste
Landfill and other Sites
Citizen Action commissioned this study to provide information to the
organization's membership, the public, DOE, SNL, and the NMED regarding
financial assurance options available to guarantee implementation of
closure and post-closure plans, were NMED to approve SNL's proposal
to cap the MWL with its wastes in place and not require waste removal
as the primary long-term remediation method at the site.
The need
for DOE to demonstrate that it can assure long-term evaluation of its
waste repositories, including all necessary monitoring, maintenance,
and repair, has been recognized for many years, and acknowledged in
the "Call to Action" for effective LTS in TTBR. The DOE's
responsibility for LTS at waste sites that present potential risks to
human health and the environment is necessary to the same degree and
extent that such a responsibility has been required of private waste
site owners and operators for many years (DOE, 1999).
The exemption
for "State and Federal Governments" from financial responsibility
in RCRA addresses the above concern, but does not extinguish the concern
from either a public policy or a long-term waste site operations perspective.
Until public policy and site technology issues are resolved, the need
for an effective mechanism for demonstrating financial assurance at
DOE waste sites will continue unabated.
The public
policy attention focused on financial assurance guarantees for the Sandia
National Laboratories' Mixed Waste Landfill is only one of many examples
of DOE sites where LTS and guaranteed closure and post-closure care
are both regulatory and public policy issues. To date, the DOE has relied
heavily on the RCRA exemption to avoid identifying or guaranteeing the
financial responsibility for the full range of closure and post-closure
measures necessary for full clean-up and long-term stewardship at the
Sandia MWL.
Were DOE
to propose a more comprehensive remedy to cleanup at the Sandia MWL
- such as excavation, encapsulation, or placement in an engineered containment
cell - the existing concern for financial responsibility to endow closure
and post-closure care needs would be significantly reduced. When an
excavation and containment proposal remains a potential alternative
clean-up remedy, financial assurance requirements are likely to remain
very high in order to provide funding to cover a specific worst-case
contingency. Such is currently the case at Sandia's Mixed Waste Landfill
where the NMED has indicated that "[s]hould monitoring reveal a
significant problem, other remedial alternatives, including excavation
and removal of the landfill contents would be considered" (NMED,
In recognition
of the trust fund model provided for closure and post-closure activities
at the Oak Ridge MWL, the NMED and DOE should fully evaluate the opportunity
to implement a similar approach for the Sandia MWL.
The State
of New Mexico should also consider requiring financial assurance at
the Sandia MWL using either a DOE-endowed trust fund based on the Oak
Ridge example, or corporate liability insurance provided by SNL operator
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed-Martin subsidiary, based on the Umatilla
of this approach appears to be appropriate and lawful at the Sandia
MWL as Congress' legislative prohibition in response to the WIPP permit
is focussed narrowly on the WIPP as a result of its national significance
and/or the high cost of financial assurance instituted by NMED.
Recent DOE
policy initiatives such as the "Top-To-Bottom Review" and
subsequent policy considerations do not provide a clear path to resolve
the LTS dilemma presented by DOE's proposal to cap the Sandia MWL in
place. Suggestions that closure and post-closure care for sites be transferred
from DOE to other federal agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management,
US Army Corps of Engineers, Fish and Wildlife Service or NRC, fail to
address how LTS funding would assured. While that policy approach may
eliminate such sites from the DOE list of waste sites, the sites will
remain a federal responsibility. Such an approach does little to address
either concerns about potential long-term risks associated with the
sites or the need for financially guaranteed LTS at nuclear legacy waste
sites across the nation.
Due to a
requirement issued by the NMED, Sandia National Laboratories is currently
conducting a Corrective Measure Study (CMS) related to the MWL (NMED
2001b). The specific direction provided by NMED to Sandia regarding
the CMS requires consideration of a full range of the remedies available
for the MWL. The CMS provides a framework for consideration of each
of the financial assurance mechanisms identified in this report related
to LTS needs at the MWL. Therefore, remedies addressed in the CMS should
1) Full remediation by excavation and containment sufficient to minimize
or eliminate long-term stewardship requirements;
2) Identification of the full cost of closure and post-closure plans,
including periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed cap,
monitoring, maintenance, and repair of the cap on a perpetual basis;
and the
3) Evaluation of the financial assurance models presented in this report
- including: the Oak Ridge MWL Trust Fund, UMTRCA Trust Fund, financial
assurance provided by private operator of federal facilities, and the
Umatilla Chemical Depot-type contractor insurance-based guarantee -
as options to guarantee that the full cost of long-term stewardship
at the Sandia MWL will be available to complete all necessary closure
and post-closure activities.
VI. References
Army, 2000 "Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (UMCDF) Hazardous Waste
Permit (ORQ 000 009 431) - Supplemental Submittal for Class I Modification
Request UMKCDF 00-020-MISC(1R)", From Department of the Army Project
Manager for Chemical Stockpile Disposal T. F. Woloszyn to Wayne C. Thomas
ODEQ, September 11, 2000, ENV-00-0229, DEQ Item No. 00-1251.
Order, 1999 State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, "Commissioner's Order in the Matter of Division of Solid Waste
Management Docket No. 99-0438, US DOE Respondent, October 29, 1999.
Order, 1999 State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, "Consent Order in the Matter of Division of Solid Waste Management
Docket No. 99-0438, US DOE Respondent, 1999. On the Web at: http://lts.apps.em.doe.gov/center/reports/pdf/doc196.pdf.
DOE, 1999 USDOE Office of Environmental Management, From Cleanup to
Stewardship, DOE/EM-0466, Washington, DC, October 1999. Available from
the Environmental Management Information Center, 1-800-736-3282 or www.doe.em.gov/lts.
DOE, 2001
USDOE Office of Environmental Management, A Report to Congress on Long-Term
Stewardship: Volume I - Summary Report and Volume II - Site Summaries,
DOE/EM-0563, January, 2001. On the web at: http://lts.apps.em.doe.gov//center/ndaareport.html.
DOE, 2002
USDOE, A Review of the Environmental Management Program Presented to
the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management by the Top-to-Bottom
Review Team ("Top-to-Bottom Review"), Germantown, MD, February
4, 2002. On the Web at: http://www.em.doe.gov/ttbr.html.
NAS, 2001
Long-Term Institutional Management of the U.S. Department of Energy
Legacy Waste Sites, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 2001:
available c/o: 1-800-624-6242 or on the web at: www.nap.edu/openbook/030907181X/R1.html.
NM, 1999a "Transcript of Public Hearing in the Matter of the Final
Permit Issued to the United States Department of Energy and Westinghouse
Electric Company Waste Isolation Division for a Hazardous Waste Act
Permit for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant; USEPA no. NM 4890139088",
Docket no. HRM 98-04(P), p. 2414-2416. See: http://www.nmenv.state.nm.us/wipp/index.html
for copy of WIPP Hazardous Waste Permit and other materials. See: www.sric.org
for other WIPP documents.
NM, 1999b "Report of the Hearing Officer - Statement of the Case Issue, Findings
of Fact, Discussion, Conclusions of Law, Recommended Decision and Proposed
Final Order," in the Matter of the Final Permit Issued to the United
States Department of Energy and Westinghouse Electric Company Waste
Isolation Division for a Hazardous Waste Act Permit for the Waste Isolation
Pilot Plant; USEPA No. NM 4890139088, Docket No. HRM 98-04(P), Santa
Fe, NM, 1999.
NMED, 2000
Letter - NMED Secretary Peter Maggiore to DOE Carlsbad Area Offices
Dr. Inez Triay and Westinghouse Waste Isolation Division's Joel Epstein,
Santa Fe, NM, August 9, 2000.
NMED, 2001a
Fact Sheet - US Department of Energy (DOE)/Sandia National Laboratories
(SNL) Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL), Santa Fe, NM, January 18, 2001
NMED, 2001b
Letter "RE: Corrective Measures Study, Mixed Waste Landfill, EPA
ID NO. NM589011518, Sandia National Laboratories HWB-SNL-01-025" to Michael Zamorski, Area Office Manager, USDOE and Peter Davies, Director,
Division 6100, Sandia Corporation, October 11, 2001.
ODEQ, 2000
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ), "Review Report
- Class I Permit Modification Request No. UMCDF-00-02-MISC(R) - Change
in Ownership, Insurance, Financial and Performance Guarantees Umatilla
Chemical Agent Disposal Facility", from Ken Chapin, Environmental
Engineer to Wayne C. Thomas, Administrator, December 15, 2000, DEQ Item
N0. 00-1532(17). Umatilla Chemical Depot regulatory documents may be
accessible directly from ODEQ, Hermiston, OR office c/o OLIVER.Sue@deq.state.or.us.
Oak Ridger,
1999 "Larisa Brass, "State, DOE sign cleanup pact", The
Oak Ridger Online, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, November 2, 1999 at: http://www.oakridger.com/stories/110299/new_1102990023.html
Resnikoff, 2001 Marvin Resnikoff, Ph. D., "Review of the Risk Screening
Assessment for the Mixed Waste Landfill, SWMU 76, " commissioned
by Citizen Action, Albuquerque, NM, 2001. Available at the Citizen Action
web site http://www.radfreenm.org.
ROD, 1999 "Record of Decision for the Disposal of ORR CERCLA Waste, Oak Ridge
Tennessee," Document No.DOE/OR/01/1791&D1 DOE, 1999.
2001 Thompson, Anthony J., "Trusts and Long Term Stewardship (LTS)
at Decommissioned Nuclear Facilities," presented at "DOE Long
Term Stewardship Workshop", July 31, 2001. On the web at: www.gjo.doe.gov/programs/ltsm/general/events/
01worksh/LTSMpres/HotTopics/Thompson.pdf. Accessible through DOE Grand
Junction Office web site at: www.gjo.doe.gov; Long Term Surveillance
and Maintenance Program page at: www.gjo.doe.gov/program/lstm/index.htm;
Long Term Stewardship Workshop page at: www.gjo.doe.gov/program/lstm/general/events/index.htm
includes all presentations at Workshop.
USA, 1999 "First Amended Complaints in the Matter of USA vs. State of New
Mexico, New Mexico Environment Department, et. al.", US District
Court for the District of New Mexico, Civil Docket No. 99-1280M/RLP,
December, 1999.
2000 Werner, Jim, Director of Long Term Stewardship, Office of Environmental
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at "Resources for the Future Workshop on Long Term Stewardship
at Contaminated sites: Innovative Funding and Oversight", December
2000. On the web at: www.rff.org/nuclearcleanup/Conf_Lect/jimwerner.ppt.
See: www.rff.org/nuclearcleanup/Conf_Lect/rff_presentations.htm for
all presentations at the Workshop.