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Thomas E. Hakonson
Environmental Evaluation Services, LLC
PO Box 315
Daniel, WY 83115
E-MAIL: tomhak@wyoming.com


B.S., Wildlife Management, Colorado State University, 1964
M.S., Wildlife Management, Colorado State University, 1967
M.S., Radiation Health Physics, Colorado State University, 1969
Ph.D, Radioecology, Colorado State University, 1972


Xi Sigma Pi
Sigma Xi
Post-Doctoral Fellow at LANL 1972-1973
Nominated as a Laboratory Fellow- 1981
LANL Distinquished Performance Award in 1982
ASCE Best Paper Award in 1986

Professional Societies and Committee Assignments
* Society for Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
* Health Physics Society
* Soil Science Society of America
* Technical Advisory Group For DOE Underground Storage Tank
Integrated Demonstration - Barriers Sub-Program
* Technical Advisory Group For DOE Mixed Waste Landfill
Integrated Demonstration - Containment Sub-Program
* Technical Advisory Group For The In-Situ Remediation Integrated Program- Containment Sub-Program
* Rocky Flats Local Impacts Initiative


T.E. Hakonson was a staff member in the Environmental Science Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1972-1993. He conducted research on the distribution and transport of radionuclides in liquid waste disposal areas at Los Alamos, in the fallout area of Trinity Site, and in Plutonium Valley at Nevada Test Site. He directed the radioecological work into research on environmental processes with special emphasis on hydrology in arid/semiarid ecosystems. As leader of Environmental Science, he managed multi- disciplinary programs on surface and subsurface hydrology as it relates to contaminant transport, waste disposal, and landfill remediation technology. He received the Laboratory's Distinguished Performance Award for his work on landfill covers in 1982 and was nominated as a Laboratory Fellow in 1981. Hakonson has over 110 publications in the fields of radioecology, hydrology, ecology, and waste management. He currently is a senior research scientist at Colorado State University in the Department of Radiological Health Sciences.

Professional Experience

July 2001 - Present I consult on a variety of environmental issues including waste disposal, radioecology, hydrology, and contaminant transport. Current projects include assignments for the Rocky Flats Citizens Advisory Group and review of the LANL post fire risk assessment for the State of New Mexico

Nov. 1993 - July 2001 I joined the faculty at CSU to develop an academic, training and research program under the University's Center for Ecological Risk Assessment and Management. I currently serve as Director of the ERAM program. I have a joint faculty appointment in Fishery & Wildlife Biology and Earth Resources and have faculty affiliate status in the Radiological Health Sciences Dept. My current research involves field demonstrations of landfill capping alternatives for DOE's Mixed Waste Landfill Integrated Demonstration In Albuquerque, NM and the US Navy's Marine Corp Base at Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, HI.

1990- Nov. 1993 I returned to research in May 1990 after six years as leader of the Environmental Science Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Some recent projects include:

* Landfill Cover Demonstration At Hill Air Force Base, Layton, Utah (DOE/OTD and USAF funding).

* Erosion Control Technologies For LANL Firing Sites. (DOE/ER funding)

* Development Of A Knowledge-Based System For Designing And Evaluating Landfills Covers (Cooperative LANL-USDA- ARS research, DOE/OTD funding).

* Landfill Capping Demonstation For US Navy (Demonstration of cover alternatives on sanitary landfill at the Marine Air Corp Station, Kaneohe Bay, HI)

* Post-Closure Monitoring Technologies For Mixed Waste Landfills. (DOE/OTD funding)

* Review Of Containment Technologies For The DOE Environmental Restoration Program. (DOE Rocky Flats funding)

I also spent 6 months at Colorado State University helping a College Of Natural Resources team set up an education and research program in Ecological Risk Assessment And Management. I developed $340k in LANL environmental restoration program support for CSU to develop a prototype ecological risk assessment methodology using one of LANL's operable units as a test bed.


I served as leader of the 20 person ($2-3m/yr) Environmental Science Group. Duties included all those expected of a line manager in a 7700-person multi-disciplinary research organization and a 20-person soft-money research group involved in science. Special skills were required in marketing research programs, identifying and cultivating funding sources, and assembling productive teams to do the work. Even though funding for environmental research was extremely tight during this period, we maintained technical capability and generated about 160 publications on contaminant transport and waste disposal. I was required to be knowledgeable in many technical disciplines including terrestrial and aquatic radioecology, geology, hydrology, biology, and geochemistry with a focus on contaminant transport and waste disposal. I am also conversant with DOE, EPA, and NRC regulations pertaining to radioactive and hazardous waste disposal and have used that knowledge to identify technological needs and successfully secure research funding.


In 1972, I joined Los Alamos National Laboratory as a post-doctoral fellow to begin an environmental science program with a focus on the distribution and transport of radionuclides, particularly plutonium, in treated liquid waste disposal areas at Los Alamos, in the fallout zone resulting from the world's first atomic bomb test at Trinity Site in New Mexico, and in the safety shot areas at Nevada Test Site. One of the more important contributions I made during this period was to identify the dominant role of physical processes (i.e. wind and water erosion of soils and sediments) in the environmental transport of radionuclides, including their movement into biological pathways. This led naturally to my interest in water balance relationships, including runoff and erosion, in disturbed ecosystems.


Hakonson, T. E., 1967. Tissue distribution and excretion of Cs-134 in the mule deer. Colorado State University, Fort Collins; COO-1156-25, 121 pp. 1967. Master of Science Thesis. 67.04.

Nagy, J. G.; Hakonson, T. E.; Knox, K. L., 1969. Effects of quality on food intake in deer. Transactions of the 34th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference; 1969 Mar 2; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Washington DC: Wildlife Management Institute; 69.03.

Hakonson, T. E.; Whicker, F. W., 1969. Uptake and elimination of cesium-134 by mule deer. Nelson, D. J.; Evans, F. C. Symposium on Radioeceology. CONF-670503, COO-1156-24: 616-622. 69.02.

Hakonson, T. E.; Rickard, W. H., 1969. Radionuclide deposition and elimination in a darkling beetle. Northwest Science 43(1): 23-28. 69.01.

Gallegos, A.F., F.W. Whicker, and T.E. Hakonson. 1970. Accumulation of radiocesium in trout via a non-food chain pathway. pp. 477-498. In Proc. (Vol. ll), Fifth Annual Health Physics Society Midyear Topical Symposium on Health Physics Aspects of Nuclear facility Siting. Idaho Falls, Idaho. Nov. 3, 1970.

Hakonson, T. E.; Gallegos, A. F.; Whicker, F. W., 1971. Use of Cs- 133 and activation analysis for measurement of cesium kinetics in a montane lake. Nelson, D. J. Proceedings of the Third National Symposium on Radioecology; 1971 May; Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ; CONF-710501-PI, COO-1156-41: 344-348. 71.08.

Hakonson, T. E.; Whicker, F. W., 1971. The contribution of various tissues and organs to total body mass in the mule deer. Journal of Mammals. 52(3): 628-630. 71.07.

Hakonson, T.E. and F.W. Whicker. 1971. Tissue distribution of radiocesium in mule deer. Health Phys. 21(6): 864-866.

Hakonson, T. E.; Nyhan, J. W.; Johnson, L. J.; Bostick, K. V., 1973. Ecological investigation of radioactive materials in waste discharge areas at Los Alamos for the period JULY 1, 1972 - MARCH 31, 1973. LA-5282-MS, UC-70. 73.05.

Hakonson, T. E., 1972. Cesium kinetics in a montane lake ecosystem. Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University. Note: Ph.D. Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy, COO-1156-56. 72.01.

Hakonson, T. E.; Johnson, L. J.; Purtymun, W. D., 1973. The distribution of plutonium in liquid waste disposal areas at Los Alamos. Proceedings of the Third International Congress Radiation Protection Association. CONF 730907: 248-253. 73.04.

Hakonson, T. E.; Johnson, L. J., 1973. Distribution Of Environmental Plutonium In The Trinity Site Ecosystem After 27 Years. Proceedings of the Third International Congress Radiation Protection Association. ; 1973; CONF 730907: 242-247. 73.03.

Hakonson, T. E.; Gallegos, A. F.; Whicker, F. W., 1973. Cesium Kinetics Data For Estimating Food Consumption Rates Of Trout. Health Physics 29: 301-306. 73.02.

Hakonson, T. E. and F.W. Whicker, 1975. Cesium kinetics in a montane lake ecosystem. Health Physics 21: 864-866. Not in library, contact author.

Hakonson, T. E. Environmental pathways of plutonium into terrestrial plants and animals. Health Physics. 1975, 29: 583- 586. 75.10.

Nyhan, J. W.; Hakonson, T. E. A summary of recent studies of soil plutonium in the Los Alamos and Trinity Site environs. Proceedings of the Battelle-ERDA Actinide Soil Reactions Symposium. 1976, BNWL-2117: 101-160. Not in library, contact author.

Nyhan, J. W.; Hakonson, T. E. Soil Plutonium in the Los Alamos Environs and at The Trinity Site. Ames, L. L.(ed), Proceedings of an Actinide-Sediment Reactions Working Meeting; 1976 Feb 10; Seattle, Washington. ; 1976; BNWL-2117, UC-11, UC-70. 76.16.

Hakonson, T. E.; Nyhan, J. W.; Purtyman, W. D. Accumulation and transport of soil plutonium in liquid waste disposal areas at Los Alamos. Transuranics in the Environment, IAEA/ERDA Symposium; Vienna. ; 1976; IAEA-SM-199/99: 175-189. Not in library, contact author.

Hakonson, T. E.; Bostick, K. V. Cesium-137 and plutonium in liquid waste disposal areas at Los Alamos. Cushing, C. E. Radioecology and Energy Resources, Special Publication 1; Ecological Society of America. Stroudsberg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross; 1976: 40-48. 76.12.

Hakonson, T. E.; Bostick, K. V. The availability of environmental radioactivity to honey bee colonies at Los Alamos. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1976, 5: 307-310. Not in library, contact author.

Purtyman, W. D.; Buchholz, F. G.; Hakonson, T. E. Chemical quality of effluents and their influence on water quality in a shallow aquifer. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1977; 6(1): 29-32. 77.16.

Miera, F. R., Jr; Bostick, K. V.; Hakonson, T. E.; Nyhan, J. W. Biotic survey of Los Alamos radioactive liquid effluent- receiving areas. ; 1977, LA-6503-MS, UC-11, UC-70. 77.15.

Eberhardt, L. E.; Hakonson, T. E.; Karlen, E. M., 1978. Methodology of mule deer studies on the Los Alamos National Environmental Research Park. Kitchings, J. T.; Tarr, N. E. National Environmental Research Park Symposium: Natural Resource Inventory, Characterization and Analysis. 1977, ORNL- 5304: 1-9. 78.09.

Nyhan, J. W.; Hakonson, T. E.; Miera, F. R., Jr; Bostick, K. V. Temporal changes in the distribution of Cs-137 in alluvial soils at Los Alamos, 1978; LA-7298-MS. 78.28.

Miera, F. R., Jr; Hakonson, T. E. Radiation doses to rodents inhabiting a radioactive receiving area. Health Physics. 1978, 34(6): 603-609. 78.25.

White, G. C.; Hakonson, T. E. Statistical considerations and survey of plutonium concentration variability in some terrestrial ecosystem components. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1979, 8(2): 176-182. 79.20.

Watters, R. L.; Edgington, D. N.; Hakonson, T. E.; Hanson, W. C.; Smith, M. H.; Whicker, F. W.; Wildung, R. E. Synthesis of research literature. Transuranic Elements in the Environment. 1980, TIC-22800: 1-44. 80.25.

Hakonson, T. E.; White, G. C. Ecological effects of oil shale development - problems, perspectives, and approaches. Peterson, K. K. Oil Shale - The Environmental Challenge; Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colorado. : Colorado School of Mines Press; 1980: 105-123. 80.09.

Hakonson, T. E.; White, G. C.; Gladney, E. S.; Dreicer, M. The distribution of mercury, cesium-137, and plutonium in an intermittent stream at Los Alamos. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1980, 9: 289-292. 80.08.

Hakonson, T. E.; Nyhan, J. W. Ecological relationships of plutonium in southwest ecosystems. Transuranic Elements in the Environment. 1980: TIC-22800, 403-419. 80.10.

Dahlman, R.; Garten, C.; Hakonson, T. E. Comparative distribution of plutonium in contaminated ecosystems at Oak Ridge, TN and Los Alamos, NM. Transuranic Elements in the Environment. 1980, TIC-22800: 371-380. 80.03.

White, G. C.; Hakonson, T. E.; Ahlquist, A. J. Factors affecting radionuclide availability by vegetables grown at Los Alamos. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1981, 10: 294-299.

Hakonson, T. E.; White, G. C.; Gladney, E. S.; Muller, M. Preliminary assessment of geologic materials to minimize biological intrusion of low-level waste trench covers and plans for the future. ; 1981; ORNL/NFW-81/34. 81.21.

Hakonson, T. E.; White, G. C. Effect of rototilling on the distribution of cesium-137 in Trinity site soil. Health Physics. 1981, 40: 735-739. 81.20.

Hakonson, T. E.; Watters, R. L.; Hanson, W. C. The transport of plutonium in terrestrial ecosystems. Health Physics. 1981; 28: 699-706. 81.22.

Hakonson, T. E.; Gladney, E. S.; White, G. Cesium Uptake by Vegetation as a Function of Placement Depth in the Soil. ; 1981. 81.19.

Lane, L. J.; Hakonson, T. E. Influence of particle sorting on transport of sediment associated contaminants. Proceedings of Waste Management 1982 Symposium; Tucson, Arizona. : University of Arizona Press; 1982; 2: 543-557. Not in library, contact author.

Hakonson, T. E.; White, G. C.; Depoorter, G. L. Field evaluation of geologic materials to limit biological intrusion of low-level waste site-covers. Post, R. G. Waste Management 1982. ; 1982; 2: 145-153. 82.37.

Hakonson, T. E.; White, G. C.; Karlen, E. M. Evaluation of geologic materials to limit biological intrusion of low-level waste site covers. ANS Topical Meeting; 1982 Apr 19; Richland, Washington. ; 1982. 82.36.

Hakonson, T. E.; Martinez, J. L.; White, G. C. Disturbance of a low-level waste burial site cover by pocket gophers. Health Physics. 1982; 42(6): 868-871. 82.35.

Hakonson, T. E.; Lane, L. J.; Steger, J. G.; DePoorter, G. L. Some interactive factors affecting trench cover integrity of low- level waste sites. Proceedings of the Low-Level Waste Disposal: Site Characterization and Monitoring; 1982 Jun 16; Arlington, Virginia. ; 1982; c1928; 2. 82.39.

Hakonson, T. E.; Gladney, E. S. Biological intrusion of low- level waste trench covers. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management. 1982; 6: 519-523. 82.34.

Hakonson, T. E.; DePoorter, G. L.; Nyhan, J. W.; Perkins, B. A.; Lane, L. J. Remedial action technology-arid. Fourth Annual DOE LLWMP Participant Information Meeting; 1982 Aug 2; Denver, Colorado. ; 1982; ORNL/NFW-82/18. 82.38.

Hakonson, T. E.; Cline, J. R.; Rickard, W. H. Biological intrusion barriers for large volume waste disposal sites. Proceedings of Low-Level Waste Disposal: Facility Design, Construction and Operating Practices; Washington, DC. ; 1982; c1928; 3: 289-308. 82.33.

Depoorter, G. L.; Hakonson, T. E. Shallow Land Burial Technology Field Tests. ; 1982. 82.10.

DePoorter, G. L.; Abeele, W. V.; Burton, B. W.; Hakonson, T. E.; Lane, L. J.; Nyhan, J. W.; White, G. C. Shallow Land Burial Technology Development. ; 1982; LA-UR-82-796. 82.09.

DePoorter, G. L.; Abeele, W. V.; Burton, B. W.; Hakonson, T. E.; Perkins, B. A. Shallow Land Burial Technology--Arid. ; 1982; ORNL/NFW-82/18. Not in library, contact author.

DePoorter, G. L.; Abeele, W. V.; Hakonson, T. E.; Burton, B. W.; Perkins, B. A. Novel experiments for understanding the shallow-land burial of low-level radioactive wastes. ANS Topical Meeting on the Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes. 1982; LA-UR-82-1078. 82.07.

Meadows, S. D.; Hakonson, T. E. Contribution of tissues to body mass in elk. Journal of Wildlife Management. 1982; 46(3): 838-841. 82.47.

Kovacic, D. A.; Swift, D. M.; Ellis, J. E.; Hakonson, T. E. Short-term Effects of Prescribes Burning on Soil Nitrogen in Ponderosa Pine of New Mexico. Soil Science. 1983; 141(1): 71-76. 83.33.

Markham, O. D.; Hakonson, T. E.; Whicker, F. W., and J.S. Morton, 1983. Iodine-129 in mule deer thyroids in the Rocky Mountain West. Health Physics 45(1): 31-38. 83.35.

Watters, R. L.; Hakonson, T. E.; Lane, L. J. The behavior of actinides in the environment. Radiochemical Acta.. 1983; 32: 89- 103. 83.51.

Hakonson, T. E.; Abeele, W. V.; DePoorter, G. L.; Nyhan, J. W. Shallow land burial technology-arid. Fifth Annual DOE LLWMP Participants Information Meeting; 1983 Aug 30; Denver, Colorado. ; 1983. Not in library, contact author.

Foster, G. R.; White, G. C.; Hakonson, T. E.; Dreicer, M. Splash and retention of contaminated soils on plants. ASAE Paper. 1983; 83-2539. Won honorable mention in ASCE paper awards. Not in library, contact author.

White, G. C.; Hakonson, T. E.; Bostick, K. V. Fitting a Model of Tritium Uptake by Honey Bees to Data. Ecological Modeling. 1983; 18: 241-251. 83.54.

Abeele, W. V.; DePoorter, G. L.; Hakonson, T. E.; Nyhan, J. W. Shallow land burial technology-arid. CONF-8308106, EG&G Idaho Inc.; Idaho Falls, Idaho. ; 1983; LA-UR-83-2589: 140-159. 83.02.

Dreicer, M.; Hakonson, T. E.; Whicker, F. W.; White, G. C., 1984. Rainsplash as a mechanism for soil contamination of plant surfaces. Health Physics 46(1):177-187. UCRL-88050. 83.10.

Foster, G. R.; Smith, R. E.; Knisel, W. G.; Hakonson, T. E. Modeling the effectiveness of on-site sediment controls. ASAE Paper. 1983; 82-2092. 83.18.

Hakonson, T. E.; Abeele, W. V.; Lane, L. J.; DePoorter, G. L.; Perkins, B. A.; Nyhan, J. W. Shallow Land Burial Technology Development: Arid Site Program. ; 1983; LA-UR-83-2992. 83.29.

Lane, L. J.; Romney, E. M.; Hakonson, T. E. Water balance calculations and net production of perennial vegetation in the northern Mojave Desert. Journal of Range Management. 1984; 37(1): 12-18. 84.28.

Gladney, E. S.; Hakonson, T. E.; Muller, M. Cesium as an activatable tracer for studying biological intrusion of plant roots into waste burial sites. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 1984; 84(2): 423-429. 84.21.

Foster, G. R.; Hakonson, T. E. Predicted erosion and sediment deliver of fallout plutonium. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1984; 13(4): 595-602. 84.13.

Dreicer, M.; Hakonson, T. E.; Whicker, F. W.; White, G. C. Investigation of the pathway of contaminated soil transported to plant surfaces by raindrop splash. Kaul, A.; Neider, R.; Tinsko, J.; Stieve, S. E.; Brunner, H. Radiation-Risk-Protection Sixth International Congress of the International Protection Association; 1984 May 7; Berlin, W. Germany. ; 1984; 1: 151. 84.09.

Foster, G. R.; White, G. C.; Hakonson, T. E.; Dreicer, M. A model for splash retention of sediment and soil-borne contaminants of plants. Transactions of the ASAE. 1985; 28(5): 1511-1520. 85.13.

Lane, L. J.; Foster, G. R.; Hakonson, T. E. Watershed erosion and sediment yield affecting contaminant transport. Proceedings of the USDOE Symposium for Environmental Research on actinide Elements; 1983 Nov; Hilton Head, South Carolina. ; 1986; CONF- 841142. Not in library, contact author.

Nyhan, J. W.; Abeele, W.; Hakonson, T. E.; Lopez, E. A. Technology development for the design of waste repositories at arid sites: Field studies of biointrusion and capillary barriers. ; 1986; LA-10574-MS. 86.40.

Abeele, W. V.; Nyhan, J. W.; Hakonson, T. E.; Drennon, B. J.; Lopez E.A.; Herrera, W. J.; Langhorst, G. J.; Martinez, J. L.; Trujillo, G. Consolidation and shear failure leading to subsidence and settlement. ; 1986; LA-10576-MS. 86.03.

Hakonson, T. E. Evaluation of geologic materials to limit biological intrusion into low-level radioactive waste disposal sites. ; 1986; LA-10286-MS. 86.32.

Kovacic, D. A.; Swift, D. M.; Ellis, J. E.; Hakonson, T. E. Short-term effects of prescribed burning on mineral soil nitrogen in Ponderosa Pine of New Mexico. Soil Science. 1986; 141(1): 71- 76. 86.38.

Nyhan, J. W.; Hakonson, T. E.; Lopez, E. A. Corrective measures technology for shallow land burial at arid sites: field studies of biointrusion barriers and erosion control. ; 1986; LA- 10573-MS. 86.41.

Hakonson, T. E.; Lane, L. J.; Foster, G. R.; Nyhan, J. W. An overview of Los Alamos research on soil and water processes in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Lane, L. J. Erosion on Rangelands: Emerging Technology and Data Base, Proceedings of the Rainfall Simulator Workshop; 1985 Jan 14; Tucson, Arizona. Denver, Colorado: Society for Range Management; 1986; ISBN O-960369264-4: 7-10. 86.33.

Hakonson, T. E.; Foster, G. R.; Lane, L. J.; Nyhan, J. W. The application of an agricultural water balance and erosion model in environmental science - A user perspective. Agricultural Non point Source Pollution Model Selection and Application. 1986; 10: 173- 190.

Hakonson, T. E.; Lane, L. J.; Nyhan, J. W.; Barnes, F. J.; DePoorter, G. L. Trench-cover systems for manipulating water balance on low-level radioactive waste repository sites. M. S. Bedinger and P. R. Stevens, (eds.), PP. 73-80, IN: Safe Disposal of Radionuclides in Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository Sites: Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Workshop, USGS Circ.-1036.

Foster, G. R.; Hakonson, T. E. Erosional losses of plutonium. Symposium on Environmental Research on Actinide Elements; 1983 Nov; Hilton Head, South Carolina. ; 1986; CONF-841-142. Not in library, contact author.

Hakonson, T. E. Environmental surveillance of low-level radioactive waste management areas at Los Alamos during 1985. ; 1987; LA-UR-87-139. Not in library, contact author.

Lane, L. J.; Simanton, J. R.; Hakonson, T. E.; Romney, E. M. Large-plot infiltration studies in desert and semiarid rangeland areas of the Southwestern U.S.A. Pre-Conference Proceedings of the International Conference of Infiltration Development and Application. ; 1987. 87.20.

Lane, L. J.; Hakonson, T. E.; Foster, G. R. Watershed erosion and sediment yield affecting contaminant transport. IN: The Dynamics of Transuranics and Other Radionuclides Affecting the Environment. 1987(NVO-272 (DE87014456): 121-130.

Foster G.R.; Hakonson, T. E. Erosional losses of fallout plutonium. The Dynamics of Transuranics and Other Radionuclides in Natural Environments. 1987; NVO-272, DE87014456: 527-227. 87.09.

Bostick, K. V.; Simanton, J. R.; Land, L. J.; Hakonson, T. E. Preliminary results of erosion and contaminant transport research on the Nevada Test Site. The Dynamics of Transuranics and Other Radionuclides in Natural Environments. ; 1987; NVO-272 (DE87014456). (Howard, W. A.; Fuller, R. G.). Not in library, contact author.

Nyhan, J.; Drennon, B.; Hakonson, T. E. Field Evaluation of Two Shallow Land Burial Trench Cap Designs for Long-Term Stabilization and Closure of Waste Repositories at Los Alamos, New Mexico. ; 1989; LA-11281-MS. 89.12.

Nyhan, J. W.; Abeele, W. V.; Hakonson, T. E.; DePoorter, G. L. Development of Corrective Measures Technologies for the Long- Term Stabilization of Shallow Land Burial Sites in Semiarid Environments. ; 1989; LA-100778-MS, UC-721. 89.16.

Hakonson, T. E. Landfill Closure Technology. IN: EPA Workshop on Radioactivity Contaminated Sites. 1989: 151. Not in library, contact author.

Nyhan, J.; Hakonson, T.; Wohnlich, S. Field experiments of evaluate subsurface water management for landfills in snowmelt- dominated semiarid regions of the USA. Contaminated Soil '90. 1990: 1205-1206. 90.05.

Nyhan, J. W.; Hakonson, T. E.; Drennon, B. J. A Water Balance Study of Two Landfill Cover Designs for Semiarid Regions. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1990; 19(2): 281-288. 90.07.

Lane, L. J., J. C. Ascough, and T. E. Hakonson. 1991. Multi-objective decision theory- decision support systems with embedded simulation models. IN: Proc. Irrigation and Drainage, IR Div/ASCE, Honolulu, HI, (July 22-26, 1991)

Hakonson, T. E., L. J. Lane, and E. P. Springer, 1992. "Biotic and Abiotic Processes," Reith, C. C. and Thomson, B. M. (eds.) in Deserts as Dumps, The Disposal of Hazardous Materials in Arid Ecosystems. University of New Mexico Press, ISBN 0-8263-1297-7

Hakonson, T.E. and L.J. Lane, 1993. "The Role of Physical Process in the Transport of Man-made Radionuclides in Arid Ecosystems," R. M. Harrison (ed.) in Biogeochemical Pathways of Artificial Radionuclides, John Wiley & Sons.

Paige, G, Hakonson, T. E., Stone, J., and Yakowitz, D. 1993. A Prototype Decision Support System For Evaluating Shallow Landfill Cover Systems. Proc. 1993 Environmental Restoration Technology Transfer Symposium, Atlanta, GA

Hakonson, T.E., K.L. Manies, R.W. Warren, K.V. Bostick, G. Trujillo, J.S. Kent, and L.J. Lane., 1993. Migration barrier covers for radioactive and mixed waste landfills. IN Procs. Second Environmental Restoration Technology Transfer Symposium, San Antonio, TX, January 26 - 28, 1993.

Lane L. J., T. E. Hakonson, and K. V. Bostick. 1993. Applications and limitations of the water balance approach for plant productivity in arid areas. IN: Proc. 8th WILDLAND SHRUB AND ARID LAND RESTORATION SYMPOSIUM, Oct. 19-21 1993, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Hakonson, T. E. 1993. Cap and Cover Technologies. pp. C1-C24, In: Assessment Of Technologies And Associated Wastes For Environmental Remediation Activities At The Rocky Flats Plant. Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-UR-93-4053

Breshears, F. W. Whicker, and T. E. Hakonson. 1993. Orchestrating environmental research and assessment for remediation. Ecological Applications 3(4): 590-594.

Hakonson, T. E., K. V. Bostick, L. J. Lane, G. Trujillo, Warren, K. L. Manies, J. S. Kent, and W. Wilson. 1994. Hydrologic Evaluation of Four Landfill Cover Designs At Hill Air Force Base, Utah. Los Alamos Report, LAUR-93-4469.

Paige, G. B., T. E. Hakonson, D. S. Yakowitz, L. J. Lane, and J. J. Stone. 1994. Evaluation of the Hill Air Force Base cover demonstration study using a prototype decision support system. Los Alamos National Laboratory report, LA-UR-94-1777.

Stone, J.J., G. Paige, T.E. Hakonson, and L.J. Lane. 1994. Design document for landfill capping prototype decision support system. Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-UR-94-570.

Gonzales, G.J., M.T. Saladen, and T.E. Hakonson. 1994. 133 Cs distribution in engineered plots treated with Thomomys bottae at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. J. of Environ. Qual. 24: 1056-1062.

Hakonson, T.E., K.V. Bostick, G. Trujillo, L.M. Martinez, W. Wilson, T. Schofield, and G. Langhorst. 1994. Rainfall simulation studies to evaluate erosion and contaminant transport control Technology. Los Alamos National Laboratory report, LAUR-94-4826.

Paige, G.B., J.J. Stone, L.J. Lane, and T.E. Hakonson. 1996. Calibration and testing of simulation models for evaluation of trench cap designs. J. Environ. Qual. 25:136-144.

Paige, G.B., J.J. Stone, L.J. Lane, D.S. Yakowitz, and T.E. Hakonson. 1996. Evaluation of a prototype decision support system for selecting trench cap designs. J Environ. Qual. 25:127-135.

Kent, J. W. Obringer, D. P. Schelhaas, and T. E. Hakonson. 1996. Vegetation characteristics on landfill Caps at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. Los Alamos National Laboratory report, LA-UR-96-681.

Hakonson, T.E. and L.J. Lane. 1996. Managing environmental risks as a multi-objective decision problem. In Procs MODSS, Malama Aina, 1995, Honolulu, HI. July 22-28, 1995.

Paige, G.B., J.J. Stone, T.E. Hakonson, and L.J. Lane. 1996. A decision tool for selecting trench cap designs. In Procs. Low Level Waste Management. Pheonix, AZ, Dec. , 1995.

Warren, R. W., T. E. Hakonson, and K. V. Bostick. 1996. Choosing the most effective hazardous waste landfill cover. Remediation: The Journal of Environmental Cleanup Costs, Technologies and Techniques.

Warren, R. W., T. E. Hakonson, and K. V. Bostick. 1996. The hydrologic evaluation of four cover designs for hazardous waste landfills. Federal Facilities Environmental Journal, Winter 1995/1996.

Warren, R. W., T. E. Hakonson, and G. Trujillo. 1994. Water balance relationships in four alternative cover designs for radioactive and mixed waste landfills. In Procs. Spectrum '94, Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management International Topical Meeting, Atlanta, GA, August 14-18, 1994.

Warren, R. W., T. E. Hakonson, and G. Trujillo. 1994. Water balance relationships in four alternative cover designs for radioactive and mixed waste landfills. LA-UR-94-2664.

Warren, R. W., T. E. Hakonson, K. V. Bostick, G. Trujillo, K. L. Manies, and J. L. Martinez. 1994. Hydrologic evaluation of four landfill cover designs for radioactive and mixed waste landfills (abstract). 39th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, June 26-30, 1994.

Hakonson, T. E. 1999. The Hydrologic Response Of Landfills Covers To Pocket Gopher Burrowing. J. Environ. Qual. 28 (2).

Hakonson, T. E. 2002. Hydrologic performance of various evapotranspiration cap designs for landfills. J. of Environ. Qual. (submitted)

Johansen, M.P., T.E. Hakonson, F.W. Whicker, J.R. Simanton, J.J. Stone. 2001. Hydrologic Response and Radionuclide Transport Following Fire at Semiarid Sites. J. of Env. Qual. 30:30(6):2010-2017.

Johansen, M.P., T.E. Hakonson, D.D. Breshears. 2001. Post-fire runoff and erosion from rainfall simulation: contrasting forests with shrublands and grasslands. Hydrologic Processes 15:2953-2965.